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Posts posted by chapo123

  1. okay... so i just mesured my center console (i was gonna run 2 sa8s) in my center console but cant fit that >:( its only 8 inches wide and im guessing the subs are bigger then that. so i mesured the back (not extended cab ftl) and my specs are 22in tall. 35in wide, but the problem is i only have 3in deep before it hits my center console.. i really want to run ported. i dont mind running 1 12 ported. but the thing is what will sound decent that is shallow enough to fit in 3in? or if i take out my center console i can extend out to 6in deep but then i wont have a center console and it woldnt be comfy since i have to lay my hand somewhere to stay on the shifter. any ideas? again i only want ported.

  2. Okay, well i just got a pick up truck (94 mazda b2300 single cab rwd) and i just got used to driving stick.. well im driving to work at 5am. brother in car with me. just crusing 5th gear going 55mph there wasnt snow on streets since it was warm last night but was chilly in am. anyways was going 55mph then all of a sudden i feel my back tires just spin and then the back end slid out and i did 2 360s (almost hit another car coming by) (on a 4 lane road, 2 lane on coming 2 lane incoming, with a big curb with grass in the middle) then the truck almost flipped because i hit the curb but instead it boucned over it and spun again and i got stuck with the back end hanging into the oncoming lane front tires in the ditch, lucky nothing happened to me or brother. and truck seems OK. thank god for the guy that stopped to help me. this was my first time every doing something like this. was scary as fuck how your life can flash in front of you like that. it was so close to flipping. i woulda got pics but nothing happened to the truck. and theres no skid marks but theres alot of dirt everywhere lol it was kinda like this vid, just slid out

  3. well ive been looking up more about notarys or w.e and i saw that most banks can do one? can someone verify that? becaues i was planning on going to see the car saturday and leave my house at about 11am and be there around 1. but banks close at noon on saturdays so ill wake up by 7 or 8 and be there by 9 10. we can meet up at the bank instead of his house. and we can still see the car and drive around etc and just fill out the paper work at the bank. that would be perfect.

  4. well i just made a thread asking about driving car home. but now i have another question.. i was talking to my dad about it and he said its a missouri title right? i said no its a kansas. he said uh oh lol and that its going to be a pain in the ass to get the title changed over here? i tried looking it up on google but im so confused. i thought i could just sign the title and bill of sale over, then get insurance and get my plates. done. my dad said its way more complex..? something about a notary or idk can someone with experiance please explain this? what all will i have to do?? i plan to see the car saturday.

  5. i would upload them if it wasnt a pain to upload from my phone lol, its pretty clean for a 91, no rust or anything. plus i dont wanna go thru all the work if i dont get it. expect a buildlog for sure though! i have to do tons of stuff to it, not major things but little things here and there, tlc basically. im in my 2nd year of college for automotive tech so this car is perfect for me lol

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