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Posts posted by Mtnbikecrazy55

  1. This is in no way bashing, but rather just a curious question. The answer may be "of course not" - but i just thoght i'd ask.

    Yes - the following may take a bit longer, but thats not the question, the question would solely be 'would it work', and if so, how accurate would it be?

    This has nothing to do with gain matching, but purely the crossover setting feature.


    Hypothetically, If you wanted to set the lpf on your sub amp to 70hz, could you burn a 70hz track to a disc, and then play it, and then turn the lpf screw until you can hear the tone, therefore setting it to exactly 70hz?

    Thanks for the answers, I was just curious and hadn't seen anyone think of it this way in any of the cc-1 topics yet.

    Thanks! :drinks:

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