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Posts posted by matt14

  1. Battery is done for sure. Was at 12 volts at midnight when I went to work. By the time I went to the gym, it was resting at 11.9. Another tell-tell sign, my alt is steady charging at 14.4, it usually charges in the mid 13's. Got a new one on the way, just hope it makes it before I get stuck somewhere.

    Before any body says it, there is no draw from anything while the car is off, I disconnected my HU, amp, radar, and phone charger, and all battery and big connections are tight.

    You sure you dont have a drain when car is off? It doesnt have to be the aftermarket equipment you installed. It could be something factory, or even something as easy as a glove box light staying on

  2. Go back to your sub menu and turn the filter all the way up. The EQ should be seperate and turn that to flat. Also i looked at your headunit on sonic and it states you also have a high pass. Turn that all the way up or down ( cant remember, but just read the manual from the DD1 and it will tell you) bass boost off on the deck. You may have to turn your sub level all the way up on the deck. Make sure you dont have a volume level for the ipod. If you do, turn that down.

  3. Now do you guys that have beefed up electrical have any voltage drop? Right now I'm dropping to 12.8 on the low lows.

    What are you using to read the voltage? I went and installed another 18 the other night and thought about it for a while and decided to wire to 0.35 ( knowing that i dont have the electrical, but you wont know till you try it ). I went around the corner and played full tilt. Stinger meter read 13.4v at full tilt, measured with my multimeter at the same time = 11.1v full tilt! So now i dont play my music at all until i can get my boy to come through and help me pull this sub back out and wire to 1.4.

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