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Posts posted by matt14

  1. My family, friends and I are participating in the 2012 " Relay for Life " cancer walk in our hometown. Im asking for donations to help fight/cure this horrible disease. You can go to our team homepage ... http://main.acsevent...eam&fr_id=37064 and donate there ( Link to my page is below, donate there so that I recieve credit to my personal goal, in which all teams have) . If you do donate, let me know on here in this thread, or message me so that i can thank you. Also, you can come out to the actual relay and walk with me and my family, which is going on June 2-3 2012 9 a.m. to 9a.m. in San leandro ,Ca. I will be there, all day and night, so any time is good . Come down and walk a lap or two. If you do come, please message me to get my number so that I can meet you and thank you personally.

    Here is a link to my page, http://main.acsevent...nal&fr_id=37064

    The reason for me walking is that this disease has affected my family and I, A LOT! Both my grandmothers died of cancer, one of ovarian and the other breast. The one whom had breast, had three daughters. The oldest died of stomach cancer, the middle ( My mom ), is a breast cancer survivor of almost 1 year ( but we are still going through some things that were linked to the chemo treatment, and my mom may possibly have to have lung transplants, but we are praying that it doesnt go that far) and the youngest ( my godmother) died of congestive heart failure Nov. 2010. She had got the c.h.f, by recieving a very aggresive chemo and radiation treatment when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and only had 6 months. Well, she survived the cancer but years later developed the c.h.f. and recieved a heart transplant, although she was combatible with only 3% of the worlds population. 7 years later... post transplant congestive heart failure and would not survive another transplant. She passed away 5 months later. This is a brief explantion on why im walking.

    We as a team, are also having a lunch fundrasier at my parents house. The meal will be a pulled pork sandwhich, potato or macaronni salad , beverage, and desert. Minimum donation of $10 for the meal is required, but a larger donation is always welcome. If you have kids, we will also have a lunch menu for them as well, and consist of a hot dog, chips, juice and desert for $5.


    The zip code is wrong, and should be 94578. Message me again if you plan on attending, so that I know who you are when you come and can thank you. We will be going until the food runs out, so get there early.

    Thank you from Team Fight Cancer!

    P.S. I contacted n8ball prior to posting this as I was not sure if this violated and forum rules, and he ok'd it.

  2. When you get a alt, go with DC, Mechman or singer. Sometimes, its best to buy for the customer service and warrenty then it is to save a couple of bucks and some potential headaches. I personally have only used DC and so far so good. Previously, I ran a Rockford 5 channel that put out around 1400 total rms and only had the stock 130amp alt and a XS3400 and voltage was good, never saw below like 13.5v from what i remember.

  3. Go for it. My boy put himself through the academy and was a reserve for only two weeks before they hired him full time. He did say that the P.T was not that bad, but the test were kinda hard. My cousin just failed out the sherriffs academy a couple of weeks ago for his failing the search and seizure test ( which from my understanding is the hardest of any of the test and is the reason why most fail). Good luck if you go through with it, and keep us updated

  4. Its a 71 chevelle, dont worry about gas mileage.Ive had people ask me what kind of mileage i get out of my 2006 yukon, and i tell them that its a SUV and diddnt buy it for gas mileage, but to be able to take my family anywhere in it comfortably ( and I averaged 16 .6mpg before rims...13.3 after. but i dont give a shit, i like the way it looks) . With a old school, its kinda the same thing. Yea it would be nice to get some dent mileage out of it, but when its all said and done, its a 40year old car tank with a V8. If it were me, id do it the way i want it. Throw some beat in there, and do some other things to make it quick, and make it the way you want it with no worry of mileage and such.

  5. I run a dc alt, and the only reason I went with them at the time was they had a 2 year warrenty, and mechman had 1. I believe now mechman has a 2 year warrenty too, so its totally up to you. Both are good companies. My alt came a week after ordering, but I also have a common alt on ky truck.

  6. Does the kicker just run hot in gerneral, or do you have good grounds, good voltage, good wiring, too much gain? That is what i would be looking at. AQ amps are good from what I have read, but not sure if you want to just swap out kicker for AQ.

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