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Everything posted by SuBNoiZe417

  1. We'll hook that 12k sometime next week, I gotta brace the roof something crazy. And get it on the mic, i'm dying to see what it'll do at 20hz, and where it's really peaking
  2. Agreed on both parts, waaay too much makeup. but that's what you get when you tell your friend, "hey, go find somebody to do a hairtrick" at like 9:30 on a tuesday lol
  3. So who likes hairtricks below 20hz? First hairtrick i've ever done too. It likes to play loooooow. 550w per sub before rise, soon to double with my other aq 2200d after I reinforce the roof a lot, that noise is horrendous. Feel really stupid now with the whole video embeding ish.
  4. yea it doesn't record sound at high speed sadly. didn't even notice the mids till you mentioned it either lol them things are movin. excursion? just gotta turn the subsonic down a little and the whole box will jump
  5. time for my first post, figured why not a video. got a new camera and i just had to try it out
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