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  1. Or what about an Orion HCCA 15? The only reason I say that is its got CRAZY excursion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQIgm5AIZSk&NR=1
  2. 4 10's I might be able to port
  3. Amp for the 2000rms will be an AudioQue 2200D For the level 5 i'm not sure yet
  4. 1998 Extended cab Ford Ranger box in the extended cab probably subs forward port up or just subs forward for the sealed box
  5. Well, can you guys explain your answer? Do you think 1 18 on like 3k will shut up the people at my school? They arn't very loud but I alwo want to do a hairtrick
  6. What about 4 15" Kicker CVR's on 2k sealed box? Still in my budget and won't take up a lot of room.
  7. I have 2 12's right now on 1k and they hit damn hard and damn low but I need something to shut up the dumb kids at school who think they know everything just because they have been lucky and haven't blown a sub yet.
  8. Okay, so far it looks like the DC's are pulling ahead but for my lazy a$$ I added a poll so I don't have to go through and see what the count is. I know 2 18's=more cone area but I don't have enough room to do them ported so they have to be sealed
  9. Which would be louder? 2 FI SSD 18's with flatwind and bp power on 2k in a sealed box 7 cubic feet 1 18" DC Level 5 on 3k in a ported box about 6 cubic feet 2 18" DC Level 4's on 2k sealed 7 cubic foot box also, I don't want to do 15's because anyone that has subs at my school has 15's I want to step up and kill the dumbshits at my school who have no idea what the hell there doing
  10. I'm thinking 2 XL 15's. Yes, I already know prices that way I have some room to work with as far as power, I'm thinking down the road I would like to run 2 AP 3k's
  11. Like, a bunch of cheaper like 10's sealed or 2 nice 15's or 18's Budget is $700
  12. What subs would you recommend to run off an AudioPipe 3k? I want to move as much air as possible
  13. I just took his word for it
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