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Posts posted by Boon

  1. Hard to say which section of the amp those parts are in but chances are something in the drive circuitry is broken.

    If you don't have a scope, it's a paperweight.

    (And I think they're surface mount for all the little bits in those amps, so good luck with that unless you have rework equipment)

  2. Here's the big reason setting off car alarms is dumb (aside from the fact that it's an asshole thing to do)

    When car alarms go off for false reasons, people stop paying attention to them. When people stop paying attention to them, they stop having a point.

    If I rolled through your neighbourhood bassing and set off a few alarms, then came back 10 minutes later and broke into your car, how many of your neighbours do you think would assume it was just bass again?

  3. eeeeer.........

    From the looks of that cap I'm not super certain that it's a polarised cap. Being 250v it may be in the output section for filtering. Can you get pics of the old one from both sides? If it's meant to be non-polar and you put in a polarised one bad things will happen.

  4. It's a 100Ah battery so it's about equivalent to 3 stock batteries. It shouldn't be going flat over a couple of days unless it's completely ruined from being run flat several times, or there's something staying on in the car.

    Switch it all off then go around all the bits and pieces and look for lights staying on on the amps or the playstation or something.

  5. Do the subs go POP in or out when the amp comes on?

    Disconnect the remote wire from the amp for a start. At a very long-range guess it sounds like you've damaged the output filtering in it and some of the PWM drive signal is getting to your subs. Or it's leaking rail voltage somehow. Either way, your subs are being fed big squares. Possibly even got a leak from the PWM in the power section to the output...

  6. soo really the only reason for it is for more wiring options??


    I always hear dumb stuff about how if you wire it wrong it will make the coil rock, blah blah...

    When you wind a DVC you do it exactly the same as an SVC, you just wind on 2 coils at the same time, usually from opposite sides of the coil. So the 2 coils are wrapped around each other and essentially exactly the same as a single coil in terms of power handling and all the rest. You can even run a DVC sub on 1 coil if you want and you'll probably get ~70% of the power handling of how it is normally since the inactive coil acts as a heatsink for the driven one.

  7. Realistically if the grounds in the back are short and you're using the frame as ground you don't need anywhere near as many grounds off the rear battery.

    If your amps are grounded directly to the batteries in the back then you only need grounding capacity equal to your alternator output. At ~1ft long, you could use a single piece of 0ga for ~500A all day with no issues. Probably more.

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