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Posts posted by Slawsen

  1. well was hoping to do like 2 18" dc xl's. and what do u mean a "port reducer"? interchangeable port?

    yeah reduces the size of the port, changes tuning. you would have a normal port which doesnt come out, has a set tuning, then you'd have the reducer which goes over that to modify tuning. So its not like taking the current port out and interchanging it. just to reduce :D

  2. I want to know which sub would be better. The HDC3 is rated at 1krms and for DC i would be getting the level 4 which is rated at 1krms. Between the two brands which would be best for me to push two of them with my kicker zx2500.1? Just an fyi i am gonna get 12 inch subs. just letting everyone know

    I'm giving my lv.4 1500wrms daily and it hardly moves. even outside tuning freq. (by hardly i mean nowhere near its 23mm xmax ratings). 1 gets really loud. I'd go with dc since i've bought from them and know how awesome it is.

    my .02 :]

  3. Power and ground wire MUST be the same size....someone explain this in detail before, but I can't remember the exact reason. Has to do with the flow of electrons or some shit. Could be the problem...i would put something under the fuse..screw it to a piece of wood so it doesn't melt through the carpet and then ground out to your chassis and fire ball of doom.

    hope that helps

    you have 8 gauge power wire...

    its like trying to suck a watermelon through a coffee stirring straw

    pretty sure its 8ga ground and 4ga power, but either way thats pretty mediocre for that amp. Using smaller than recommended wire will cause it to heat up also..

  4. How are you wiring them? I've never wired up more than the 5 1/4's up front, and 6x9's in back, because they've been plenty loud for what i've had.

    I'm going to glass 2 http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_13963_Infinity+Kappa+62.9I.html into each door, (4 doors), leave the 6x9 in back, and add the 5 1/4's up front. So it'll be 2 6.5 per door in back, 2 in each door up front, plus a 5 1/4, and then 6x9 in back. infinity claims all their speakers are 2 ohms. I'd have 12 speakers, all are 2 ohms svc. I want to run about 100 watts to each speaker.

    depends on amp....how many, minimum impedence

  5. i searched for them a while back and i didnt find anything too interesting. some companies make very small computers and sell software for running it in a car but, if i remember correctly, they were over $800. you could go on newegg.com and get a mini motherboard and build your own. just remember to get a SSD HD. itll hold up to the bass a lot better.


    And you can pick the case yourself :D

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