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Posts posted by TLEJ

  1. Well, not to experienced in car audio, but I am in Graphic design ;).. If you want something.. Just post it here, and I'll try to keep up with what everyone wants.. Team shirt designs, Signatures, Avatars.. dustcaps (; etc.. so let em rip. Be sure to include any renders you want used, and colors.

    EDIT, Didn't realize this would be as popular as it seems, but just know if you're not happy with what I made you, I can always try again, and just remember it was free :P.. I'm trying to slap these together in a neat way, but fast enough for everyone to get one.

  2. I've been on at least 50 craiglist exchanges now.. Never have them come to your house, always meet them at a BUSY place in a public setting.. Like .. Fast food places around 12:00.. Next, I always bring my 6'7 friend along with me.. and I carry a knife, but I've never had any trouble. If you talk to the person alot before meeting, it's a better chance. Next, if they want it, just take the money. Don't have the guilty conscience.

    ..Boy I've got lots of stories.. This one "thug" came out of his apartment with a drill, but from far, we thought it was a gun. Ahaaa...

    KEWL STORZY stfu

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