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Posts posted by woodzyspl

  1. what about, having the highs sound nice, clear (if i will even here them lol) and not harsh as shit on your ears? or just an eq lol

    i got 4 pairs cheap as shit comps that everyone has said they sound crappy, but powerd right to keep up i don't care, but curious if should bother toupgrade

  2. iv got 1, mate gonna give me 2 others lol 4th was at a shop used compete with it.. but i may not bother, thought maybe find old basket to fit..

    and are the older style diff to the last style they used. when i meet you, your gonna have teach me ALOT lol i stayed up till 1am looking at diff motors and baskets ect..

    the level 6 was a recone that i put in the xxx, got bad coil rub..

  3. what dc gave us, maybe i didn't let it dry enough (cold winter night and comp the next day)

    yeh i asked him, but he said $200-300+ and he would have find some lol was hope find a cheaper way, i wouldn't mind t3 soft parts, but i dunno who to talk to now seeing ed is gone..

    but yeh ill have hit you up with a text and start get me some recones, maybe 3 15s off 9k will be loud enough lol

    and you gonna have teach me alot about these motors ect..

  4. i think i still do, are you good with recones? i fudged my dc level 6 as my first attempt :( coil rub killed 1 half of the coil.. my mate is decent now he did his and it fine. but i think you may be better. ill pay :drink40:

    now just gotta try find how contact t3 to buy a tsns basket if i can't find any, iv asked FI but no response yet, few people said they make baskets to fit?

  5. would tsns baskets fit on the xxx?

    honest never considered that till it just hit me lol

    is t3 even alive anymore..

    TC LMS drivers, T3 TSNS's, AA SMDs, Eclipse TI Pros are all using the same basket bro. They're just called TI baskets and they look like these TI Baskets but you can't have these two, because I bought them. You'll need the baskets with the four inch openings as well to fit your XXX motors. :P

    hmm i see, your in aus now arn't you? need a hoockup aruond here LOL

    and smd you say..so..i could have a hybrid smd lol altho total diffren't coil right? their split or something..

    EDIT: will these just bolt straight on?

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