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Posts posted by deafyT

  1. Shit there went this thread.

    it's still very much on topic. i'd actually like to read junior's response to what's been written.

    granted, the word 'douchebag' might be a little rough -- but I don't have any other word to describe someone that would actively go looking for something to "screw" their employer with...after the employer did them a favor in giving them a job without a work permit to begin with. You are both in the wrong.

    from my understanding, his alleged beef is the fact he doesn't get breaks...despite the fact that he admitted to taking smoke breaks whenever he wants. his other beef is the 'one smoke break per 2 hours'....it's written in black and white, each break is given per 2 hours of work...and he still laughs about it and admits to taking breaks whenever he wants.

    i'm sure this thread was posted to vent a shitty highschool job. but to actually seek advice in what to bust the employer with? That's not the kind of advice i'd condone seeing on any forum...especially after the story he's provided. I will not apologize for having no empathy on the situation. Do not think for a second I haven't been there. Shitty jobs are a part of life. You don't go looking for frivolous lawsuits, you move on to bigger and better -- which means less breaks and bigger headaches. Having to tough it out to serve a customer is the reason why any of us have a job to begin with.

    To finish this rant with a quote from resident SDOT laywer:


  2. yeah I do believe they would work him with no breaks for 8 hours

    but he already said in the first post that he takes as many breaks as he wants despite being told "one smoke break every 2 hours" (which is the law pretty much everywhere, one break per 2 hours). That's why I don't believe him nor the situation -- there's more to the story than what's being told...and what's being told isn't too convincing.

  3. ^^^

    put down the pipe bro, and think back to the deafys gay thread where I told you you get special treatment cause your like family what did I say about your homies from SDOT? they would never make it here, do I need to dig it up?

    just becuase you get some special treatment doesnt mean you can act like an ass whenever you want

    never asked for special treatment and being called an "ass" or "asshole" is not special treatment. It's being called names because someone didn't like what I wrote.

    Regardless of where this thread was posted, my response would be the same.

    As far as someone from SDOT, i'll gladly link the resident SDOT lawyer to this thread and see what his response is. I guarantee it won't be as "nice" as mine -- it'll be along the lines of "stfu hippie and quit your bitching". If my goal was to be an ass, that's pretty much what I would have said. My goal is to inform -- you stick with the story laid out here, you'll get burrrrnnnnneeeeddd in the long run (like i said, no one will want to hire anyone with a history of taking employers to court ;) )

  4. david, if you don't agree with something I post there's no need to stoop to petty namecalling.

    It's harsh to point out the fact that he's already admitted to doing something he's not supposed too? Do you truely believe they'll work him 8 hours straight with no break, no meal or anything? But it's 'ok' to take as many 'breaks' as he wants (as he said).

    The holes in his post were blaitant and I pointed them out. What do you think's going to happen if he pushes the issue with the labor board or the BBB? You think his manager or those lawyers that will get involved will be all sunshine and flowers? They won't sugarcoat shit, so why should I?

    17 is past the age where you hug him and say don't worry baby, everything's alright, those monsters didn't hurt you, did they. That's old enough to say guess what junior - you just busted yourself out, so what's your real beef with the company?

  5. not harsh at all. he lost all his credibility right here:

    i don't get a break, soooo I took alot of smoke breaks instead,
    now we're only allowed a cigarette every two hours, no biggie I smoke when I want lol.

    but in order to repeat something, you'd need to mention it a first time.

    if reading some truth on an internet forum is too hard to handle then how do you expect anyone to function in the real world?

  6. smoke breaks are still breaks. unless you have enough people on the payroll to cover everyone's break schedule, you pretty much have to be there when a customer walks in. Surely...when there isn't a customer in the store...you aren't doing a damn thing anyway.

    what would you do if you were on lunch and wanted a sammich but had to wait while some douchebag finished up their cigarette?

    As far as not getting paid for the hours worked...you clock in and clock out. you get paid for the hours you work. If you're "supposed" to get a job done by 10:30, but you can not perform the task in the given deadline, then surely they'll let you go. Until then, you get paid for the hours worked.

    As far as having something to fall back on or w/e, it sounds like you're looking for any reason to bitch. You can handle a knife at 17. No clue why you'd rat them out for hiring you without a work permit, you'll just lose your job then have a hell of a time trying to explain that to any future employer.

    No company wants to employ the kind of douchebag that would rat them out, especially when said company was doing alleged douchebag a 'favor' to begin with.

    [/devils advocate]

  7. side note, i'm loving how digg affects those with little will to think for themselves. everyone 'diggs' an article and all the sudden it becomes spread like wildfire -- just like earlier this week when iran's photoshopped nuke testing rose the price of oil $6 per barrel, overnight. No one even bothered to validate nor confirm any of the info -- everyone saw a pretty picture and people freaked....to later find out it was all photoshop. Stupidity begets stupidity.

    Read the entire article and think for yourself, accordman, is it a problem with the phone? Or did Apple severely underestimate the amount of people trying to initially log in simultaneously, worldwide? Give it a test run, get hundreds of thousands of people to login to SMD all at once and see what happens to the site.

  8. this time give them around 12 cubes with that amount of power

    12 cubes after displacement.

    i'd go with more than that. 6 is pretty much the recommended airspace for the recommended power. With that little power, i'd be inclined to ask for a much looser suspension and give them 7-8 cuft each...after displacements. in fact, i think that's what i did.....

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