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Posts posted by SoCaLBaMF

  1. SICK!!!

    i wish i had the skills..im lucky to draw a stick figure right..

    I couldnt at the start.. LOL

    Looks pretty good regardless, just looking out :drinks:

    Thanks man! :drinks:

    Damn ddude that did turn out really good!

    Haha I think so too, not bad. Will do more work on it today though

    wow thats amazing for your first attempt man, looks alot better than what can be done on sketchup :P

    Thanks broski!.. I didnt do the little trick you taught me in sketchup for the surround, its a little more complicated now :lol:

    Good job for not knowing how to use the program. very nice sub :mario: :mario:

    Thanks man! Yeah I pretty opened the program when it was done installing, and started to work and thats how it came out.... some confusing stuff on that thing. LOL

  2. Looks pretty good to me, looks like the basket may be slightly tall but then again I'm drunk.

    Considering thats a $1000 program, I wouldn't be advertising where you got it from. No offense, just looking out.

    Edited... lol. But yeah I got a few kinks to work out, but I didnt think it was that bad, considering I moved from sketchup, to this in a day hahah. I have never used a program of this extent but am learning quick.

  3. Alrighty I got Inventor 2012 and this program kicks Sketchups ASS :lol: I just it installed today and I started messing with it and have never worked with a program this sofisticated, and made a 18" N2 right off the bat, no tutorials or nothing, just self taught (so far.) I havent finished the spider or the terminals yet, and I think the motor assembly may be a bit too big to scale BUT heres what I got so far. :drinks:


    Yes, it even has a 3" coil...







    Ill finish this thing up tomorrow and see what other things I have in store for my likeing :drink40:

  4. haha yeah i usually just tell people i have 2 15's, on 2400rms, and there usually amazed being over 1k rms.. lol little town, im by far the loudest right now, so word spreads quick.. i have had people refer to me by just having " that loud truck " Lol :D

    Me too... Im know around my area as the guy with (2) 18s because my friends brag it up <_< Mehh oh well I guess you cant really control what people say.

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