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Posts posted by CortezDTV

  1. I've never seen anybody post anything bad about the stinger digital volt meter and yet last night mine randomly failed and now won't show any voltage! Has anybody else had a similar issue and if so is there a solution?



    ahhh hahaha yes ive had this happen i was playing along then dooop all the numbers were gone just the stinger remained illuminated....

    i had it wired in with quick disconnects so that i could easly remove it from the top of my dash this is in a 00 crown vic body style, after the voltage meter did this a few times randomly, (each time i had to disconnect it and re plug it in and it worked which would mean take my entire dash pannels out which are a pain in the ass in the dark!) back o track to, i proceeded to rip it the fuck out pissed off, eventually i put it back in where my clock goes and it has been working like a champ everytime

    put it on a switch, that switches the power not the ground, shit or both, so you can dissconnect it and reconnect it easily

    and if that doesnt work sorry man, just hit it with a hammer :pardon: it will work and 20 dollars later ull have a new one :rofl:

    hope that helps

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