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Posts posted by Cardboardcat15

  1. If you only have the cap for a voltage readout, sell it and use the money to buy a voltmeter. Easier to install and you can have it up front with your HU/display. Do what Orionstang said, a DMM is a must have tool for any car audio installer/hobbyist.

    Check both batteries with the DMM while the engine is running, if your front battery has a good voltage readout, but the back doesn't, chances are you have a wiring issue. Check to see if your fuses and ground connections are secure. Remember, triple check all your connections.

  2. Sorry to hear this man. It's really weird, but teachers are the last person you'd think you would have any feelings towards. I went through the same thing during my middle school years. I lost my favorite science teacher from a heart attack after his gastric bypass surgery (He was obese). Even though half the class said they didn't like him, when we got the news EVERYONE'S disposition changed for the rest of the year. It was really startling news because it happened suddenly. I can totally relate.

  3. I know it's not exactly quitting SMOKING, but you should try moving to cigars or pipes to slowly ween yourself off of cigs. It'll probably help you get off of the cigs, and they're known to be less addicting, if not addicting at all compared to cigs due to not inhaling the smoke and no additive/addictive chemicals. My pops used to be a pack a day kinda guy, then he started cigars after the suggestion, and slowly but surely he went from a few cigars a week to one or two, and now he doesn't even smoke.

    Plus, you get the added taste bonus. Cigars and pipes taste a hell of a lot better than cigs.

    Just a suggestion. (Coming from a non addicted cigar smoker)

  4. Ok, this one's for all the workout gurus on here. Hopefully y'all can help me understand something here.

    I'm trying to shed fat, not build muscle, that comes later. Right now my sole purpose is to get rid of fat. I've been reading and have come to the conclusion that in order to do this I need to create a calorie deficit in my diet, meaning I burn off more calories than I eat in a day, correct?

    Alright, so here's where I get partly lost. I also know that i have a BMR of 2071 calories a day. SO, does this mean that I am creating a calorie deficit if I eat around 2000 calories a day AND do cardio? Or does my BMR not play a role in the deficit, and I have to burn off what I ate PLUS the extra calories? I'm not exactly sure if BMR plays a role in Caloric deficits.

    I run every day at the gym 2+ miles, right around 25 minutes. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's not, but never under 20 mins of cardio at 170+ heart rate.


  5. You don't take the current wiring out when doing the big three. It just adds with the current flow.

    0/1 gauge will not strain your factory alternator at all. Think of it this way, if you have a bucket of water and a small hose, the amount of water coming though the small hose is limited. But, upgrade your hose, and the water runs much more freely.

    Lmfao...you sound like my college professor when he was teaching about voltage, current, and resistance.

    Im in an electronics class and i wish my teacher had awesome analogies like that :shrug:

    I always used the drinking soda through a small/big straw one :pardon:

  6. im still awake and kinda disappointed. After a 5th of vodka im only buzzed wtf.

    try a fifth of black 100 hehehehe bet you go to sleep :drink40:

    Lol I bet, that is the one thing of having a high tolerance. It takes so much more to get drunk.... My favorite by far is jager :drink40:

    i love jager drink a fifth to my self be pretty drunk but do it. but black 100 omg kicks my a** :good:

    few shots of Centerba toro Strong, done and done.

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