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Posts posted by Cardboardcat15

  1. man, fuck hitches. Awesome for hauling shit, not awesome for kness and ankles.

    My good deed was a few quarters back in school. Was at the nearby CVS with some hallmates when we got stopped by an older looking asian lady with a young kid (He looked abuot 6 or 7). She asked one of my hallmates if he had any cash to spare so she could buy diapers for her son. Pretty much she went through all of my buddies except me, I was on another aisle looking for chips and shit lol. I came back and asked them why she was talking to them, and they told me what was up. They all pretty much lied because the lady seemed really odd (She was kind of jittery, wasn't putting full sentences together) about not having money. I decided to help the lady out, and I went up to her and asked which diapers she needed. She pointed out the cheap ones, but I decided to get her the nicer brand name diapers that had more in a package. As I took them to the register, she explained how she was gonna try to steal some diapers if no one would help her out, but she really didnt want to because she would violate paroll because of a DUI. Now whether or not this lady was truy bullshitting me or not, I felt like I helped her out.

    Thinking back, I feel like she was telling the truth because I see her a lot around San bernardino, pushing the same baby stroller with the same little boy, either waiting at the bus stops or walking down E street. Makes me really appreciate what I have and how lucky I am.

  2. Not a bad score from my limited experience...but those sealed boxes are probably hurting you alot... I just did a 141.8 with less cone area (one 18 and its tuned loww to boot) and a significantly less power( just abt 1k rms)....I bet youd get a great gain if you were to build a new ported box


    The box issue is actually the whole reason i went sealed in the first place. Sadly, I don't have enough trunk space to fit both of the woofers in a properly sized ported enclosure. That's why I went sealed to begin with. ANyway, it doesn't matter what box I have for these, I'm ousting them very soon for some new equipment :peepwall:

    PLus, I'm not sure these 300 watt woofers would be able to handle almost 3 times their rated RMS in a ported box LOL.

  3. I guess I left out some pertinent info there lol. It was DB Drag, and this was all in the trunk of a 1992 Toyota Corolla. The box is firing upward. The box is actually an ebay special prefab made out of 5/8 MDF which has seen better days..and I mean BETTER days. Everything sealed up with meter on the windshield. Had my back seat down for this, I assume I'd lose DB's with it up.

  4. Just a little something I threw together with the few clips I was able to get at the show. The video would have been a hell of a lot longer, but my camera died on me, even after a nightlong charge. Oh well =/. I had a ton of fun, met some awesome guys and sat in some awesome cars!

    Here's the vid

    Hope you guys like it! (Excuse my lack of editing expertise, it's not the best out there)

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