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Posts posted by C.Sanchez.A

  1. Houston, TX, United States 04/01/2011 2:28 Departure Scan

    Windsor, ON, Canada 04/01/2011 6:37 Package data processed by brokerage Waiting for clearance

    Mesquite, TX, United States 04/01/2011 7:19 Arrival Scan

    Yeah that tracking is fucked up somehow. No way it went from TX, to Canada, to TX in less than a day.

    My guess is they only sent data about the package itself to the US Customs office in Windsor, not the package itself.

    I never thought aboput it that way. It makes sences thou.

  2. i have 2 rf t'1 12"s i'll do for $200 + ship.. not sure how much canada shipping would be though.

    Is that $200 each or for both?

    for the pair.. can't beat that.. i promise.. whats ur zipcode and i'll get you a shipping quote.

    It's acctually a postal code. lol.

    Cobalt, ontario



  3. Db drive plw 12" motors and baskets

    Reconed and built by PSI

    They are built to work well in a 4th order box

    Good for 1500 daily

    What about a normal sealed box? I need to use the least amount of space in my trunk, but still get a desent bump.

  4. I find it's best to just buy it new from AQ directly. I went throught this a while back and no one really resells them. If you do happen to come accross one it is only usually $20 to $50 or so less then new so...

    But if you do manage to find one :good:

  5. a hobby store will have activator. the bondo brand fiberglass stuff can be found at home depot, kragens, etc. if you want better stuff, look for some kind of boat store. several places to get some really nice stuff online.

    the bondo brand resin has a wax to it so you need to do all your layers at once or you REALLY need to sand if one layer drys. the next layer wont stick well to that wax.

    Sorry for the "speed bumb" but, that helped me out.

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