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Everything posted by fuggnore

  1. yeah my radio is exactly like that haha. but okay ill try that. my amp isnt getting hot or anything being that high but i dont really like knowing its up that high. gotta love phenoix gold =]
  2. the lowest i can go on the head unit is 80HZ i belive. maybe its 50. but whatever it is i got that all the way down. do you thing i should mess with the LP on the amp?
  3. alright, ive herd from many sorces BASS BOOST IS BAD!. now yesterday when i was useing the dmm to dial in everything on my amp i noticed without a little bass boost i cant get the voltage i want going to the sub with out having the gain almost all the way up. so i have my gain a little less then 3/4 full and i have my bass boost up like a sixteenth. (very small) is this alright? the sub dosent sound like its clipping or anything. and also, when i dialed everything in everything on my headunit was flat. and after the amp was adjusted i changed some things on the head unit settings. like lowered the bass going to the speakers, well the bass at my sub dropped a little so i turned up the subwoofer level on my headunit. was this alright also?
  4. why yes it is 200ACV. when i switched it to 500ACV it said "HO" witch i asume is High Output, so i figured it wasnt that.
  5. mkay. well i bought the dmm and used it. im prettttty sure i have everything dialed in. haha turned out i was able to turn it up more. along with a little bass boost. less then an 8th of bass bost. and my sencitivity is more then half. i feel it is a little high. but if anything im a little low. i put it to 43volts. i could go to 44. it sounds good and now i dont have to get peranoid after playing it for a while and reach back and touch the cone and amp to make sure they are still cool haha. but thank you everybody for all your help. its nice to have a place to go were people actually help and have good input, rather than yes or no. i really appreciate all your help so far. also on my dmm i had two volts setting 200 and 500. i used to 200. should i of not of? oh yeah, and i used 50HZ this time. =]
  6. i edited that post a couple times. haha i kept forgetting questions i had and shit. i got them on there. were you refuring to the one you got as a cheap little one, or its alright. and would being .01 off make or break my sub?
  7. thank you sooooo much im going out tomorrow to get a dmm. i seen them at wallmart and radioshack. they each had a few kinds. anything specific im looking for? OH AND! when it says to turn all eq settings down on the headunit. i have my bass at -8 should i leave it or put it up to zero? and should i set the others to zero or as far as they go negative and i asume i go off the CEA compliant watt rateing? am i right? haha i got my amp today and the first thing i read when i opened the owners book was CEA COMPLIANT RATEING 1000 watts. OTHER RATEING 1200. i was like damnnn... haha i was shooting for that 1200. oh well 1000 is still plenty.
  8. ^^^^^ haha i was scrolling through all the posts waiting to see this answer LOL OH SHIT yeah i was wayyyyy off on that. i gotta re tune that tomorrow haha and its not my headlights dimming. they have always done that even with my old amp. but its my interior lights. im sure my headlights were dimming too though i wasnt looking foward. i was looking at the amp. (not driving of course) but whats an idiot proof way of testing for clipping. tools and stuff? that arnt alot of money haha. is it easier to hear a clipped signal at 50HZ?
  9. so i know you can tell is a sub is clipping by listining too it. or with a DMM. but can you tell by the lights in your car? i put my new amp in tonight and when i was playing some bass tones to tune stuff in and i notice that after a little more then half on my gain my interior lights would dim. (mind you its dark out while im doing all this). and if im correct your sub get a clipped signal once there is not enough power going to your amplifier? so when my lights dim wouldent that mean my cars not producing enough power and there for that would be my clipping point? LOL or would it be wayyyy before that? but anyway i went to the point where my lights dim then backed it off slowly untill the undimmed, then went a tiny bit more. think im okay? i was tuneing while listing to a 34HZ tone beacuse its the loudest in my car. should i not do that? or does it not matter what tone i use.
  10. haha, that shit probably would go everyware wouldent it? ill probably take it easy then. when i first read what you said i was thinking of the seal just breaking. but yeah, thanks for the heads up.
  11. yeah im a little south of chicago. its pretty warm right now. and im sure that trunk gets hott. my car is out in the sun all day too. on the side of my house, or at work. so maybe ill only turn it up for a quick second...or too...i mean, i dooooooo have another can of great stuff =] i realllly <3 bass
  12. ill find out if it holds good tomorrow, when i get some actual watts going to that l7. 1200 to be exact =]
  13. put some more power to those bitches. you say its loud. but if a thin sheat of metal and some shitty stock sound ded. is keeping the noise in it must not be to loud bro...i could be wrong though. if your satisfied with it in the car, witch im sure your in the car 99.9% of the time when you listen to it, then leave it. trust me, sound violation tickets are no fun. some places by me will actually toe your shit for having too loud of a stereo
  14. what about bass blockers along with the amp? or is that over kill?
  15. hahah yes the max volume is 35. and i roll around with that bitch at 33 or 34. hahah i like it loud. so im sure that is a reason for them bottoming out. but untill i hit like 31 there is no bass at the speakers. after that it increses. but i sopose once i get an amp to those speakers i wont need to turn the head unit up that loud... haha and they are still stock speakers. so im not going to get depressed if they blow. actually today i blew a stock tweeter. haha it cuts in and out when there is no bass and when there is. im posotive its not a short though beacuse i hooked a speaker i had laying around to it and it works fine. no cutting in and out. and yes the preouts dont clip till 34. haha so my bass is nice and clear. but thats about it lol
  16. haha the only filter i got is a LPF for the sub. i dont have any HPF =[ the amp i am planning on putting to the doors and stuff does though. so no worries. haha it just makes me mad when my speakers bottom out. but i guess ill just have to suck it up for another month or so. or maybe ill just run the amp to my stock ones and destory them =]
  17. okay, so i got a KDC HD545U. its hooked up to my stock speakers and tweeters. i have the bass set on -8 (low as it will go) but im still getting bass outa my speakers at high volume levels and its causeing distorsion. now im planning on running all the components and tweeters and shit through amps in the near future. my question is will running the speakers off that amp help reduce the bass through them or am i going to have to invest in a crossover or something to that matter?
  18. SUCCESS!!!!! sealing off the cabin helped alot. there is there a little difference when the trunk is open. but not nearly as much as before it was sealed. its a little messy but this is what i eneded up with and yes, that does say "DE BE'Z"
  19. well its off to home depot for me. ill take some pictures or something when im done and let you know how it turned out. and thanks everybody for the feedback!
  20. gotcha. everyday driver? and why keeping the backseats if you dont mind me asking?
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