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Everything posted by EliteLegacy

  1. Alright, if it's a power issue, and I just got a new regular new battery (normal for cars, nothing over the top), it's probably my alternator not sending enough juice to everything?
  2. ONE more question. I tuned my amp (Alpine MRP-M500) by using a deep bass song called "Bass Boy". The bass is deep and I turned my gain up about halfway between "Nominal" and the highest setting (I turned it down to 0 before I started, with my volume at 75%.) Is that fine if I just used that way to set the gain?
  3. Thanks guys for the input. Basically just a bunch of variables that come into play that affect the sound negatively. I appreciate it!
  4. And how would I go about testing the voltage? If I had a voltage meter?
  5. This may be an easy question, but I'm not sure. My sub sounds great when I turn on my car initially, and when it's not moving. When I'm driving, though, it seems as if the power fades off a bit. It's definitely not as noticeable. Nothing's wrong with the sub itself, but could I need a new (more powerful) battery?
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