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Posts posted by chatttown423

  1. the end of the reducer should fit on either side of the screw on the terminal block of the amp and then you tighten it down. its like half of a spade terminal

    oh ok now i see wat your saying. do u think it would be a safe connection, cause i dont wanna mess up his amp and have by a new one.

  2. all they do is take your 0guage and make it possible to hook it up to smaller amps, they connect like a ring terminal to the end but they have a set screw that crimps on the wire.


    thanks for the help man

    but im confused, cause his amp has screws on the gnd and postive places on the amp, but that reducer has a solid post on the end.

  3. my friend just bought a KAC-9103D, and im going to install it for him but i cant find any 0gauge wire terminals that will fit on the positive and negative places on the amp. what should i do. I was think about cutting the wire terminals, will this work.

    here is a pic of the amp i got of a website kac9103db.jpg

    u see how close the positive and negative places are.

  4. '

    nah man, i didnt have in my bass cd with young jeezy, i was bumping Eazy E n shit.

    i was doing 65 it was raining hard and shit, well i guess i wasnt going fast enuff i have 140 pounds extra weight in my car, can't gun it for shit. so like 3-5 people got right up my ass and blinded me, so i switched cd's and got up behind the person turned my bass to +6, blinded them, they SLAMMED on their breaks. I should of done that to them but than I wouldnt have a car. my shit wasnt even loud cuz my back seat was up, couldnt pull it down for the subs so the Bass couldn't really TRAVEL. but they was just mad because I was in left lane doing the speed limit. after the person passed me, they had to slow down because all the cars in front. I just don't fucking understand why people are so fucking pissy on the expressway. I mean, if Im in a hurrie, I dont go right up some ones ass, I pass them with my signal on.

    nobody cares about SAFETY, that's why theirs so many fucking accidents because nobody want's to follow the LAW.

    i guess some people just dont think.

    Its like when its raining people wanna drive faster.

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