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Posts posted by burgerslayer

  1. Right now my set up is 2 kenwood subwoofers powered with a kenwood 8104d mono class d amp. And the stock speaker system.

    What I want to do is upgrade my stock speaker system with 2 ORION CO650 in the front and 2 ORION CO690 for the rear deck.

    I have a couple questions.

    - I think, but im not sure, that my car has stock component speakers already installed because there are tweeters mounted on the door. Can i just replace the woofer in the door with the new orion's in the front or am i gonna have to get a new component system for the front ?

    - If im gonna get new speakers can the stock car amp power the new ones or am i gonna have to buy a new 4 channel amp to power the speakers inside ?

    - If i need to buy a new am should I buy a 5 cahnnel amp or just but a 4 channel and keep the kenwood for the subs ?

    thanks for all the help in advance.

  2. Has anyone ever heard of this company ? If so what are your thoughts on them and your review on them ?

    If you have any other suggestions for some good, cheap high quality speakers please list them.

    EDIT: If im gonna replace my stock speakers in my 01 honda civic am i gonna need to buy a separate amplifier to power the set of 4 new speakers or can the stock am do fine ?


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