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Everything posted by steveabbott

  1. well im not lookin for rims for my car i'm lookin for rims that can be used in the chopping, haha
  2. alright guys i do a lot of work on photoshop choppin cars, and i noticed alott of people on this forum have very nice cars, rims specifically, i was wondering if anyone could help me out by posting some high res pics of their rims at different angles? just cause i can never find any good rims on the internet without massive hassle, and truck rims are hard to come by, just need to be realy big high res pics and i'd really appreciate it that would help me out big time.. and if you guys need any photoshop help with your cars i could probably be able to help you out, here is some of my work to show you guys kinda what i do ok well these are just a few of my chops, jsut to clear up anyone who doesn't quite know what 'chopping' cars is, but yeah heres a really quick one i did yesterday of a lancere original pic My chop nother quicky of a superb original My Chop and my favourite chop i've done lately i put alot of time into this one 72 fiat original my chop
  3. well yeah i have been pounding hypnotize for a few days now.. fuck wow its deadly.. i just hear a shit load of new stuff when i am listnening to steve meades videos and i don't reconize them other then jeezys voice haha
  4. heyy guys.. i was wonderin if anybody knew of some DEADLY pounding Young Jeezy they could tel me about
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