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Everything posted by Thewes

  1. Those look fucking incredible. Does anyone know where I can pick up a pair of those black and 24''s? Ill buy them in a heart beat. Look real clean on the Escalade.
  2. If your still looking for subs... I have 2 15'' BL's that I've been using for about a month. The top spiders have a tad bit of wear in them but other than that they are pristine. Dual 2 coils but not like it matters with that amp. I'll sell them for 270 a piece, let me know if your interested bud.
  3. Definitely man, Ill shoot you a pm right now, about to go to bed so if I don't reply back thats your reason.
  4. Im honestly only looking for a digital one since I have alot of empty space to fill in my center console (removed the stock 6cd changer up front) and already have a analog one in my cluster. I also am thinking about a temperature read out gauge too for my amps. The problem is I removed the top AC control housing and am moving it to where the 6cd changer was, only problem is there is a couple inches left in the gap. I could possibly squeeze the volt meter on one side and then the temp read out on the other. But I might just get the stinger then cover up the stinger logo.
  5. I was checking out some dakota digitals but my budget is 45 bucks and thats the price on the dot, expcept shipping is a good 10 dollars so the dakota digital is out of the question. I would get the stinger one but I really dont like it saying stinger right above your voltage reading. Anyone know something in the 45 dollar range I can get?
  6. Do you know if theres any possible way I could send the payment to Rusty now and then the day they are finished have them shipped my way?
  7. So, the end of the month is coming up, and I am just curious if these level 5's are ready to get bought up
  8. I know about the stinger volt meters but I heard they arent too accurate. Anyone have some suggestions?
  9. Eh, I am happy the way mine turned out. Like I said, my fogs will do the job in lighting me up, and my headlights are still visible to the point where other people know I am a motor vehicle. I just hope the clear coat that is placed on top doesn't diminish the light anymore.
  10. Naw you caught me. Yeah I'm pretty fortunate to have generous parents. Lets leave it at that.
  11. Yeah just waiting till I take my car into the shop to get everything cleared. Not sure if it will blend in as good as that chevys but it will look alot better. And yes, I know its stupid to do the headlights, but oh well a bit too late now, not much I can do.
  12. Actually I am 22 and payed for every single thing you have seen.
  13. Yeah read what I added to the bottom. I really don't suggest it. Light output was reduced by AT LEAST 80%. I might even paint thinner this shit off. It looks hard as fuck though, I dont know. Anyone know where I can get some HID fogs so I can just use those as heads?
  14. Oh god here we go... Also added a couple more layers to the tail lights and finally did the top brake light. Redid the texturing a little bit by doing a different spray pattern. Have it a somewhat flat black look now. I like it a bit better. Going to take them in somewhere and get a nice hard clear put on them so they last, the VHT scratches real easily as is. Oh yeah and all in all, VHT is great, but please dont do your fucking headlights in it like me. I can't see shit, I have to use my fogs, and it has a god damn red tint. It will have to do though... for now.
  15. My tails and heads are done in VHT. Honestly, unless you have really bright fogs and want to lose complete function of your head lights, do not VHT them. Break lights are fine though, you can go as dark as you want. I have atleast 2 cans on each of my tail lights... still shows through fine, but still a bit excessive. Car is filthy right now sorry, pollen is a bitch here in Florida.
  16. A stinger fuse holder, and all stinger connectors. I really dont know whats wrong with my electrical.
  17. Box is double chamber, 4 cubes each chamber, tuned to 32 hz, fully loaded 15'' BL's.
  18. Yeah, that is all just running off 1 sundown 1500. The song is Thuggin by lil webbie off savage like 2, I think. I'll take some more vids later, its really funny as hell I turn heads every which way. Flex some gross windows too.
  19. Yeah for sure you can play it all day but you gotta be out by the time I want to go to sleep because I'm posting up and passing out in there.
  20. yeah that should be fine on those amps strapped. Its not the ohm load, its just my shitty electrical.
  21. Got a little surprise for whoever can guess what game my boys playing on my dash Anyways here is some more flex, I am amazed the back moves that much off a sundown 1500 at .5 ohms.
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