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Posts posted by Thewes

  1. Painting the emblem should be similar to how I painted my upper lip of my grill. Just sand down the metal with a medium to fine grit paper or sanding block, then make sure its very clean, use some degreaser on it. Put a coat of primer on it, let it dry, give it plenty of time. If you see any dust specs, wet sand it with a very very fine grit. Then put on another layer of primer (I don't know why but I did). Let it dry, time and preparation are everything. After that 2-3 coats of your desired color, wet sanding if small specs arise, and then once you have it the finish/gloss you desire seal it up with a clear coat and give it atleast 2-3 days to dry completely. Multiple clears don't hurt I suppose. That is just what I did to a front lip on my car, and after about 3 months no chipping what so ever. I'm no professional painter so my technique could be completely off.

    I'm happy how it came out.


  2. All the local cops in my county have never said anything about my tint and I have been pulled over a couple times. The only thing that got me was it was Florida Highway patrol, and pretty much their job consists of going to wrecks, pulling over speeding cars, and pulling over cars with tint. The FHP is so strict about tint they went around to local sheriffs officers and made sheriffs remove illegal tint from their vehicles.

    And I had 15 on my windshield. Also after taking the tint off I didn't realize how dark the factory glaze is on my rear windows, I thought I forgot a layer or something. Went to gas her up today and just the feeling of the sun hitting my skin made me feel weird, I'm so used to the dark ass interior and feeling nice and cool, but fuck it, I had to do it.

  3. Well I was practically court ordered to remove to my tint because the good old florida highway patrol fucked me. I got nailed with a couple criminal charges due to searching my car, due to my windshield tint. And to top it off, not only do I get criminal charges, they write me a ticket for every thing possible, including the tint itself, my headlight covers, taillight covers, and license plate cover. So I got myself a great lawyer and all the charges are dropped except tint tickets if I remove the film. So shit, I did what I had to do. Sadly.















  4. Dude your an idiot!

    Not only did you back up in traffic but then you hit someone. What? were you too lazy to just look over your shoulder to see if there was anyone behind you? As it was, you weren't paying attention enough to realize you weren't going the direction you wanted to, and too lazy just to go up to the next light and turn around.

    I think it's great you hit a cop, now this way won't have no chance to give some innocent person the run around because you fuckin hit them. Be lucky you weren't cited at the scene.


    You put the vehicle in reverse and backed up. What the fuck were you thinking? They should take your license for a while and make you take a course. Backing up in traffic or at a red light because you were not in the lane you wanted is reckless and the judge is going to see it the same way. He is going to decide if you had an alternative to going the wrong direction and causing a collision. If you are at a stop it is not considered "tailgating" if the vehicle behind you is close.

    Unless your life is in danger you were at fault.

    Are both of you ignorant or just incredibly stupid? Possibly a mix of the two? If I took the right, I would of been thrown off atleast 35 minutes and I would of ran out of gas, due to being on dead E. I obviously checked behind me, I am not fucking mentally handicapped. The problem here is when I looked- the road was completely empty, I would never reverse in fucking traffic... Jesus. He was so close to my rear bumper I could not physically see his vehicle. But by all means, you two being arrogantly happy that I hit someone and calling me an idiot, lazy and reckless? Fuck you two. Put yourselves in the position I was in and tel me you wouldn't of broken a minor traffic law to not create a huge hassle of running out of gas. I totally agree my license should be revoked, how intelligent of you. Its a pretty simple scenario to understand, my apologies you couldn't grasp it.

  5. If you couldnt see his headlights, he was probably WAY to close

    Exactly but there is no way to prove it so whatever I am fucked and look like a complete moron now. He is also a sheriff, so I am sure hes not worried about anything. He was off duty at the time. He ran up to my car as if I was going to speed off and attempted to like take my keys or some shit. And I have rear sensors but it all happened so fast they didnt get a chance to go off, they only go off when in reverse and he was so close it was just boom.

  6. was your window blocked?and yeah their is a law on that well at my state you have to be as far away as to where your able to see the back of the tires of the car that your in front of.

    Not at all... I just couldn't see his car he was literally right on my ass, and the Yukon has a real high rear window. His entire front end is completely destroyed, and I am really considering getting a new fucking car so I don't have to deal with this bullshit of not being able to see other cars. Fuck my insurance is going through the roof.

  7. So I got in a shitty accident tonight and it made me look like a complete dumb ass. I pulled up to the right lane and I realized I needed to be in the left, so I put it in reverse and cool what do you know someone was RIGHT on my ass so I could not see their headlights or anything. So I fucking smashed into the front of his car and it is completely fucked up, my rear bumper is a little fucked up and my tail light is cracked, along with my hatch being bent a little bit. But my question is, theres a law for following too closely, but what about being right on someones ass at a red light? There is no possible way I could of seen this guy since he was right on me.

  8. i was gunna get a set of projectors like urs but ima just go with diamond clear replacements just for the fact that hids do not require projectors to work properly and the reason i dont want projectors is the ones for my truck aint the right bulb type nore are what i can use properly.

    thus far is why im goin with these hl_tacoma972wdset.jpg they are factory replacement houseings and should make my 8000k's look awesome but when i get some more money saved up ima get a set of 8000k hi/lows cause the ones i got now are low beams only,

    anyways your yukon looks sick with those projectors but i feel u on the damn spotlighting other ppl while ur driveing i gotta adjust my headlights my right one shines off the road somethin awefull but all in all glad u got some hids they look good, im just wondering why mine aint as blue as other ppls 8000k's but other companys are diff i guess, anyways hope u can get it worked out man

    I heard color can also depend on the projector sometime so that might be why.

  9. can you adjust them at all so that isnt so bad? those dont look like factory projector housings so maybe thats the reason. I didnt get aftermarket projectors just for that reason.....they gotta be the GOOD ones or they can be worse then regular reflector type housings.

    i went with "diamond clears" on the Hoe instead and even though the cutoff isnt good like an expensive set of projectors, its really not THAT bad.

    All HID's do NOT require projectors thats bullshit - i see them all the time in housings just like mine and it doesnt bother me one bit. Even the BAD ones dont bother me but aimed correctly no one should ever bitch.

    Heres the cutoff. I cant adjust them at all, the housings are complete horse shit.


  10. So bought some halo projector housings for my 07 yukon off ebay. I planned on getting some HID's to go into this but a couple problems have come up. First off for the conversion kit, what bulb size would I do? Since it would be plug and play, would I just do whatever bulb size my old headlights were, which is H13, or would it be the new size of new housings? Also, when I put in both the new housings, hey what do you fucking know, the left light would light up with high beams and the right headlight would come up as normal low beams. What in the shit? Any help would be great, patience is running out with this crap.

    Heres what I'm working with...


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