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Posts posted by irpirate

  1. so yesterday i was was helped by ami customs on a box size for 4 12" l7s. today sonicelectronix called me and told me that they wont return my money for a product, instead theyre giving me store credit. since i dont really have anything else i need to buy from there was thinking of just adding another 2 l7s. the car is a 02 4runner. back seats will be folded down. box i had planned was 28x45x36.5 port area 36.5x11 length 30. this is with port front subs front. if i add another 2 subs where could i mount them? they wont fit on the front of the box. would it be ok if i mounted 4 in front and 2 up top? from ground to ceiling i have 37 inches. 36.5 is max width. depth can go up to 50. height can go up to 31. i was told by amicustoms that 4-5 cubes per subs with 14-16 inches of port area per cube is best. thanks everyone.

  2. Yeah i do Running monday wensday friday and do 2 hours at the gym those days and i do 500 push ups, situps 300 flutter kicks and 100 pull ups on top of that but tuesday and thursdays i swim about 4k meters and do the pushups situps flutter kicks and pull ups i need to run and swim for my SF job so

    jesus christ man...lol. and i thought i worked out too much... right now im at 0 cardio (maybe a quick mile for warmup), 6 days of lifting a week. just switched my routine around. chest tricep, back bicep, shoulders legs. do around 15-20 minutes of abs when im not sore. go through that cycle twice a week then rest for a day.

  3. i havent used force factor before but ive used/tried other preworkout NO's (nitrous oxides) before. jack3d, superpump, noxplode, 1mr. jack3d is by far the best, nothing really even comes close. you'll hit the gym feeling like a monster :D just make sure you hafta cycle off every once in a while so ur body doesn't build too much of a tolerance. these things all have creatine and tons of stimulants in them. id probably say force factor is more hype than anything else. if you want reviews and stuff take a look at bodybuilding.com

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