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Posts posted by redbaron80

  1. 1. Man, I can't believe you fell for that shit.

    2. All these things are scams.

    3. Just like the free car giveaway at the mall, and then they wounder why their phone is blown up with telemarketers

    1. The only reason I did it was to see IF anything is " FREE ". It was a waste of my time, so Yeah i fell for that.. LOL

    2. YES, all scams, even when u DO buy the TIMESHARE they screw you, I have talked to a few owners, a few are suing them for false advertisement, and they say there favorite places is ALWAYS " UNAVAILABLE/BOOKED "... x2 .. LOL

    3. Never, ever sign up for any giveaway, like Bill said, Nothing is free...PERIOD

  2. Hey guys, I just spent two Grueling hours at this time share meeting in Santa Clara tonight. You have heard it before, go for the free gift right. It is a total sales pitch. They POUR on the pressure like you cannot imagine. This is my 2nd time and I still have not bought anything from them. They cost 15 GRAND.

    I got my COUPON for TWO to a 3-day CARNIVAL cruise to Mexico. I gotta send the coupon in tomorow and they mail me the tickets. I will keep you guys posted as to whether the gift is for real ,looks like it is good. If you are thinking about this, be prepared to be intimidated, harassed and pressured beyond belief. Out of 12 of us, 2 ( including me ) did NOT buy a time share.

    Just wanted to guys everybody a heads up


  3. I agree w/ forevrbumpin to some degree-

    I think 2 is doable and would be sick loud....but consider this:

    A sub will play in ANY configuration- big box, tiny box, even free air. Mount it, Apply power and it will make some sound. What were talkin bout here is how well/efficient it will play in a given setup.

    You could TOTALLY just glass the rear seating area, trunk and all and keep the setup below window line, and either squeeze 3 18's in there staggared kinda pointing forward or go 2 forward and one up.

    Just run em in whatever space ends up (net) in the giant enclosure. They will prolly end up a bit UNDERSPACED due to the tight area, but that would just mean they would sound punchier and as Forevr pointed out more "SQ like" or accurate due to having the effective "tighter" suspension (more resisitence in the smaller air volume). Prolly not "ideal" or "typical" sound for an 18" beast but I bet it would still sound damn nice and IMO BETTER due to the improved transient response. If you kept it sealed it would also be more easily done but I'm SURE you would want it ported and in that case I would consider a design like Pstones in the "Flying White sausage" (jesus did i just type that?) or roscoe's setup w/ the xxx 18's or Assman's van where the port is the "negative" area around where the subs are mounted. I think that'd be ur best bet if you absolutely had to port it.


    The wheels are spinning arent they. If I do it, I would like to face all the 18's straight up towars the roof.

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