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Posts posted by Dale

  1. My bad, I thought we were talking about a hatch. K you got a few choices. I've built two RF systems in two different Honda's. And to tell you the truth the cleanest sound you're going to get in a Coupe is downfiring. It's does hurt the loudness at all. I downfired two 12" P3 with a T1000bd in a 3.5 total, with a 3in port tuned @ 38 Hz (the lowest I could tune it). It sounded amazing. The whole back glass flexed nearly an inch, amazely it never blew out. 1253 RMS got him a 144.2 on the dash @ 42 Hz. Not bad for being in the damn trunk!!!

    Hmm...impressive. Got any vidz?  8)

  2. That is very bad. This usually means that your are overpowering the sub THERMALLY. Meaning your coil cannot be cooled enough for the kind of current that's passing through it. So it burns.

    The thing is MMATS amps ain't no joke. They are efficient and they are underrated. It's prolly putting out more power than you think. Turn down your gains a little or your subs will deteriorate.

  3. wel ps1 and ps2 the first ones sucked.  Both for the same reason, the laser messed up after a while.  I have learned with Sony or any other game for that matter to wait it out for a while.  i have yet to see a great release unit that was reliable, since the cartridge era.

    The main reason why I want a good laser is because I am a modder. I intend to modify it, so having a crappy lenz will not help

  4. you don't hear it but you feel it!!!!! :D

    I wish I could. My sub doesn't respond to frequencies below 30 Hz. So you don't even feel it. It's just empty. I have an MTX 8500 12" by the way. Hits really hard...just not as low as a JL W7 (~24 Hz)

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