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Posts posted by Winn

  1. My sub has been popping out of no where like if you were to tap it with a 9 volt battery but with an Extreme like its playing a 5 hertz tone on 5k watts. It non stop pops when i first cut on my truck and eventually stops. Although it wouldnt stop this morning. I cant find out the problem. I just took out the speaker leads so i wouldn't blow my sub.. But i think the amp is still receiving the power which isnt good either.

    I was thinking it was my gain knob considering it recently started acting really funny like it wouldnt turn down the "bass" and the knob its self isnt "right"

    Help? suggestions

  2. Whats your KD? Mine is sitting at a 2.7 right now

    in teamdeath.. i literally go 30 + every game and below 5 deaths.

    Currently a 5th prestige :peepwall:

    Check out mine while your at it a while ago i made it its me playing

    this is Halo....

    I thought since i watched most of all of his videos. i thought he would enjoy mine my bad dude

    but your talking about MW3 and then you posted a Halo 3 video??? that doesnt make sense to me.... haha

    Sorry LOL I thought we were showing some gameplay

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