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Everything posted by hershy314

  1. Congrats, I tried applying at a shop near by today. But cause of the flooding around here they are closed till further notice. I think working in this field would be a great learning experience with out spending your own money lol.
  2. geez your only a kid still, in 97 i was 17. i still remember all the news coverage on it tho. i had a small fire in my basement a year later, only thing lost there was a couch. but ive had a couple of break ins tho.
  3. I don't know if anyone has paid attention to the news around here, but but right now both the Ohio and Mississippi rivers are flooding. Thats something that hasn't happened happened in a really long time. Which is causing alot off people around here to lose their homes and businesses. Usually I don't know these people personally, but this time is different. I know 3 families who had to leave their homes cause of rising flood waters, 1 had actually lost her house. Its sad, I'm lucky that I'm up on high ground. I'm only 20 minutes from Ky lake, but no worries bout getting flooded out. I hope that things for these people and others only get better after the waters go back down. Luckily all this rain we've been having is ending soon. On a sad note, this is the worst flooding we have had since 1997 and close to the flood in 1937. If anyone here has been in this situation, what did you do? How has it changed your life?
  4. found the papers for wyotech, now maybe i can get out of this country living
  5. I know I mention earlier that I have a love/passion for the automotive market, but some how I forgot to mention I've that same love for music. Guess thats why I'm on this forum, I mean we all must have some kinda love for music. Oh yeah still lookin for time to work on those papers for Wyotech. After seenin how well my cousin's band is doin, I'm starting to kick myself for giving up playin the guitar. Oddly enough thats what she plays. One crazy thing bout us, we are the same age...I'm just older by less than 2 months. She also has good vocals, I like to sing but I never had the encouragement from my family unlike hers. Reason I mention this is cause she went to school and majored in Music. Now she works for the Chicago Syphany (ok I suck at spelling). Just goes to show, that no needs a major degree to be successful.
  6. Thanks man, just noticed your from Ky too...what part? I'm down near Paducah
  7. Well I've pretty much decided on attending Wyotech for my schooling. Scary yet exciting part tho, I'll be moving over 2k miles away from home to attend school. I have a couple friends there in Cali, but the closest would be about an hour and half away in Santa Rosa. I spent time in Sebastopol back in 2003, really enjoyed it there. This time I'll be in Fremont, wont know a soul there. Could be a good thing, gives me a chance to start fresh.
  8. I think my ultimate goal is to have my own business, so tired of working for someone else. No matter how hard I work or what I do, seems like I still get shit on. Wyotech does offer a program that teaches you about running a shop or something like that. I think I can get my business degree that way. I'll probaly start working on the papers for Wyotech tonight.
  9. I've heard that University of Phoenix was a good place to go for online classes, and was an accredited school too. And thanx guys for the support, I may attend some real classes in the future. But I think starting out doing it online is a good start. I know a business degree would take me far, but far as I know most that is a suit and tie kinda work place. I'm not the suit and tie kinda person, hell any time I have to wear a tie....I wanna hang myself with it lol. My grandparents want me to go to med school, I on the other hand disagree....I hate hospitals. Spent too much time there as a kid. I have a packet full of papers to fill out for Wyotech in Fremont Cali. Thinkin bout going there, I have a love/passion for cars. From classics to modern, if it has a motor and 4 wheels I will try to find out what I can about it. I really don't want to be a mechanic, I'd rather run things.
  10. Ok so basically I'm thinking bout going back to school. I'm 30 years old and I'm working less than 20 hours a week, cleaning up a restaraunt every day Monday - Friday for $8 an hour. Very hard to afford gas and insurance. Luckily I have some great family members to where all I gotta pay is my insurance and gas for my car. Living rent free and shit may sound cool and all, but trust me I'd rather make it on my own. I mean seriously, what girl would want a guy who lives with his grandparents? Ok, back to the topic. (sorry bout that rant). I'm not sure where I want to go to school at, or if I should just do it online. I know I want to something with computers, what exactly I'm not sure yet. I will admit I'm not the brightest bulb in the box. I'm one of those that learns best by hands on, if I gotta read and study I might as well be reading some langue not found on earth. I know the schools here in Western Ky aren't the best, but maybe be better than nothing. Right now these words are haunting me "I'll just take a year off then I'll go to college". I graduated in '99, early graduation matter of fact. I got all my credits for graduation the first half my senior year, so I haven't been to school since the end of January '99. What do ya'll think I should do? The closest campus is around 30ish miles from my house, which is the same distance to my work. A good thing bout online classes is that I can take them when ever really, could be wrong but thats what I've heard. So lets hear it people. SMD FTW
  11. got the brakes to work, just tried bleeding it again and it worked
  12. actually had checked that, master cylinder looks fine...pleanty of fluid.
  13. rear wheel cylinders are new, replaced back in nov of last year
  14. tried to yes, but the brakes wouldn't pump up like they normally would
  15. Ok so today I replaced the front brake pads on my taurus, got everything back together and lookin great. i went to set the brakes but the brakes felt a bit weird. i started the car and the brakes sank to the floor. it feels like not even the rear brakes are working. i had my grandpa help me since hes a retired mechanic and hes baffled. any ideas of what it could be?
  16. This move will put me in a better mood thats for sure, its not where I wanna be but it's good enough. Think the happiest I was, back in 2003 I lived in the Bay Area in Ca. Loved it out there, in a small town of Sebastopol. Tho think part of the reason of the happiness was cause of the girl I was with at the time. Either way, if I could move back to that area that would really be great. Don't think it will happen tho, hell been tryin for a few years..anytime I got close to being able to move something comes up and kills it. And speaking for the man, last time I was living in St Louis I would get stopped just bout every nite coming home from work. I didn't even have a car...they would always ask where I was, where I'm going and all that crap. Once I was even surrounded by cops just a few blocks from my apartment. Best part, one of them new my boss....oh did I hear about that the next day. Course the cops never had a reason to bust me, cause I keep my hands clean....I don't need to steel or any of that shit. I kept my ass out of jail for the last 30 years, and don't plan on going into one anytime soon. I got a strange feeling that when I go back, that crap will happen again. And again and I'll just smile, be polite and let the cops do their thing. Cause when they let me go I can say thank you for wasting my time. Ok now bout the school, I'm not counting out community colleges. They would def save me some money there.
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