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Everything posted by mousemonster1232

  1. The SDC2.5s look real good... The only issue now is to try and resell the boss audio ones. Anyone have any ideas? Craigslist and hope someone thinks they good?
  2. Hmmm. Everyone is telling me to get rid of these subs asap... I think it is time to listen... even though I just bought em three days ago. I got them for $60 ea.. what should I get in place that can pound just as hard or harder in the $100 each price range?
  3. The t15001bd is probably never going to happen at $899.99 haha. The other one for 250 isn't bad. Is that a wise choice?
  4. What is the advantages between t15001bd and the Aq1200d? And I take it each ohm reduces wattage by half correct?
  5. So I bought two Boss Audio CX154DVC subs. They're fifteen inch each dual 4 ohm voice coils with 900w rms capability. And I am custom making a box for them in my 99 pontiac grand prix gtp. I was wondering if I would be able to power them... I hadn't realized they will be pulling a lot more than the two 12s with one amp I had in there before. What exactly would I do? Use two mono blocks that do 900 ea one that's two ch that can power both or what? Thabks for help.
  6. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I created a box out of a Project Box from Radioshack that cost me only $4, a couple resistors, LED's, a drill, some solder, wire, and a switch. It was quite easy and well worth it. It just takes basic knowledge of circuits and what your pushing through amp or wherever you want to mount it!
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