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Chris D

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Posts posted by Chris D

  1. When you use the brakes does the RPM of the engine drop or does it stall out? Also, have you noticed any oil spots after the truck sites overnight, or anywhere you park? And the engine light flashing is probably caused by the engine misfiring.

    As long as the motor is running, it shouldn't be spark plugs. When the truck is out of drive, does it rev to a high RPM like it should or does it only go up annd stop before hitting the rev limiter?

  2. Yea the TI-83/84 would be fine. The TI-89 is better, but alot different, keys are layed out different. One big thing I know of on the 89 is that yo can do a 3-d style graph, if you want. But if you remember how to use the 83/84 go ahead and get the 83/84, because you'd have to relearn keystrokes on the 89. Also, the 83 was fine for my engineering classes this past year.

  3. Yea the timing chain is a bitch to replace on basically a "FWD" (referring to engine alignment in the bay) car. Like ominub said, pull the tire, inner fender cover thing, and possibly the strut, depending on where the engine sits. Then off comes all of the pulleys, and harmonic balancer, belt tensioner, and whatever else is in the way of the timing cover. Then you pull the cover. Thats most of the hard stuff, except putting it all back on.

  4. Yea most likely a vacuum leak. When you put it in gear and hit the breaks it pulls the idle of the engine down, creating less vacuum pressure(not enough to keep it running). Check out all the vacuum lines that you can easily get to, you may actually be able to hear the leak if its pulling in enough air. Also check missing caps on unused vacuum fittings, they sometimes crack and vibrate off.

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