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Posts posted by Amerrricuh

  1. my future system is 4 lvl 3 15"s in a wall

    that would be sick. lol

    then we could compete too see who is louder lol

    if i did a wall it would be a 3rd row wall in my explorer with the back seats still in...but if you wanna wait til may i'll be graduating and have a shit ton of money to blow lol..and should be able to do what i want with the truck then(i don't think my mom would care about the truck now, she just hates the loud..i beat the hell out of that thing as is..probably about $400-500 worth of cosmetic shit to do before it looks "new" again LOL)

    it may take longer then that for me to get mine, i have to sell everything and save some money before i start lol

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