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Posts posted by Katt

  1. So.... Going 57mph in the left (passing) lane and instead of moving over, she decides to take a video of the frustrated driver behind her? Not saying what that guy did was right... But she was being a prick

    Maybe the speed limit is 55? Some states are very strict on speed limits. there was a few cars she passed in the right lane. I am takin the chicks side. I've met a few assholes like this, and love trollin the shit out of them. You get what you deserve. He was being a toolbag, then tried to show off as he passed...he got what was coming..

    Fuck you. I wouldn't do anything but slowly follow you until you parked and then proceed to teach you a lesson. The left lane is a passing lane. And if you're "trolling" people by not passing people and forcing him to sit behind you then you're just a twat asking for the type of confrontation to adjust that kind of behavior. If you want to drive slow please do by all means....off the highway or lane intended for the faster traffic. Doing shit on purpose because it gets your rocks off is a pathetic trait.

    Oh well! I can drive how i want. You must of not read. When i said assholes like this, Which are plenty here, Who decide to fly by and cut off other drivers for no apparent reason, then get behind me? Of course i'm gonna be that guy who stops him / slows him down.. What if up ahead, he causes an accident and something horrible happens? I've did it before, and the other people next to me have actually waved, for me being the other peson next to them to stop the other person's stupid shit. If you're gonna drive like a cunt bag, i can too. And you'll be stuck behind us both. I would of did the same thing to the jerkoff in the video driving the truck. What if he would of rolled and smashed into someone's car? Then what?

  2. So.... Going 57mph in the left (passing) lane and instead of moving over, she decides to take a video of the frustrated driver behind her? Not saying what that guy did was right... But she was being a prick

    Maybe the speed limit is 55? Some states are very strict on speed limits. there was a few cars she passed in the right lane. I am takin the chicks side. I've met a few assholes like this, and love trollin the shit out of them. You get what you deserve. He was being a toolbag, then tried to show off as he passed...he got what was coming..

  3. Got my buddies girlfriends box done.

    Pioneer Appradio

    Kinetik HC800. ( Don't worry, its all fastened down, its not going anywhere. We made sure of that. )

    Audiopoop 1800

    Rockford T1 12s.

    3.5Cubes after @ 37hz

    I Wanna thank Hunter a bit of help on a few questions, and suggestions on roundover bits. Without that, it would look like poop.

    Me and my buddy built it, she wrapped it. Did a damn good job for her first time.

    Pretty damn loud and impressive for 2 12s...At least in the 40s. But built for daily country / pop / new shit.


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