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Posts posted by Polecat

  1. thank you BOTH! I do appreciate Steve giving me this section, I REALLY do, but recently I had to let go of a few things so I can better concentrate on my main job. :)

    thank you, I will still be around every so often, but didn't want people to think I was dissing them if I was gone extended time. Like Steve mentioned, the email he provided will pretty much answer any questions, and help with enclosure designs.

    thank you all, and thank you Steve again, for even having this forum for all of us to enjoy!


  2. Polecat hit it on the head. And . . . think bigger . . . like 572 . . .

    thanks Tony, I think we BOTH know that's how it really is, but sometimes feeding it has lower ramifications, than most think :)

    Ok, Ok...572 :D

  3. let me put it this way you asked a question about some kicker subs, Polecat (kicker man#1 aka employee for kicker) gave you an answer I would go with his word....

    thanks dude :D

  4. sure there is some RF....reason you don't see it everywhere, is most SPL people look for free or next to free stuff, and some older companies realized it's not a huge market anymore to giveaway stuff for SPL comps.

    Some guys that are die hards, like Randy, pay for it, believe in it, want it, and can do wonders with it. THATS what it's about...but a majority email every manufacture they can, only looking for free product.

    Trust me, I know.

    But you won't see me emailing GM asking for a crate 502....would love it, but ain't gonna happen :)

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