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Posts posted by Bigsix

  1. i should have said that those were my maximum measurements, i probably could go higher but not safely because 22 inches goes above my seat, if it wasnt for my spare tire i could probably go like 40 inches wide. i was also thinking of inverting them but like i said i think it may block my back window.

    if you need to, go as high as 22"....thats how tall my 18" box is, no problems at all aeeing out the back or anything and still plenty of space between the headliner and the subs... dbl check my pics...and ya, 22" is above the seat and window line, but like I said no problems seeing out the rear view.. and above the window dont matter unless youre building it to compete with....so do what you gotta.

  2. road rage....lolz....I tend to get heated if someone is an asshole and deserves it, as a matter of fact, I have gotten out of my car and kicked the shit out of someone 2 times. Both were road rage incidents, and both were not instigated by me although I did finish them. If i get heated I usually just give em the finger and wang the subbage...or if I happen to be out in the T/A, I just open the cut outs and stomp on it 'cause, 1. its lowwwd as fawk, and 2. they aren't gonna be able to keep up anyway, especially if its leaving a red light and Im on the slicks n skinnies...

  3. Ya i know man but its not the end of the world... My landlord's wife is a fuckin cunt and i held my tongue for long enough with living here for over a year that something had to be said... She is just to much of a bitch to admit she is wrong

    Then its only for the better. Just get a qwik pic of her before you move so you can have it blown up into nice pistol targets for the new 1911 youll get.

  4. im working on one. Its an AR though lol

    Your AR will probably be cheaper than my 10/22. Dealer quoted $605 for the stainless target model with bull barrel. It will save me 200+ in the long run not having to buy and ship the barrel later.

    605? ouch...seen for 375 here BNIB...but I like to buy the plain jane 199 10/22 and then add gooides as I see fit, with just a properly bedded stock, a free floated barrel, a decent optic and some decent ammo, my first 10/22 would shoot the centers out of quarters at 100yds with ease. great little rifles that are fun and piss cheap to shoot alot.

  5. What kind of electrical am I lookin at to keep .5 ohm stable?

    .5 ohm, what power level though? youll want at least the typical big 3, another battery, 1 or more runs of 0 to the rear etc....depends really..you running 500w at .5 or 5k at .5.....it all depends on the specific set up home slice.

    I say give em rated or a touch over, f that "break in" shit, and let em rip......

  6. Nice..thats why I mentioned above I am now starting to learn reloading, still taking baby steps and doing research and reading, havent even started to buy equipment yet... I might have to eventually PM you and pick youre brain on reloading a bit, as one of my main reasons for doing it, is for .45acp, and 38/357.

    9MM is still cheap enough around here that I havent committed that to my list of calibers to get set up for

  7. i am quite experienced with smithing a 1911, so i can go through one, do a little work on it, do a few checks and know its good to carry without even firing it.

    as for how much i shoot, i shoot 2-3 times a week. last year i went through about 40,000 rounds of just 45acp. all in all i probably fired about 55,000 rounds last year, all calibers combined.

    my range i go to does a simulated police qualification course as well. i cant remember the last time i shot less than a perfect score.shooting our local "bullseye" competition, i shoot a perfect 150 strong hand only and both hands, weak hand only i tend to shoot about a 145. scoring based on 15 shots with bullseye being a 10, shooting at 5 spot targets.

    i like the wilson 47d's in my 1911s, but these new springer magazines seem to be doing surprisingly well.

    F*cking-A Right on......youre definately a lead slinger....good to hear it...And I wasnt bragging about my 12kish rds last year or anything like that....as I know theres plenty of fellas like you that shoot like mad...youre definately a shooter, not just a dude with a gun then...lol. Awesome.

  8. I shoot when i get the time. its tough working as much as i do, having the baby and my other hobbies. although if i could get the truck done id have one less time eater. Id say i make it to the range at minimum once a month. shoot about 500 rounds per through the various calibers and pack it up. Lately ive stayed away from the pistols since the range i go to tends to congregate the idiots there.

    I feel you on that N8, full time plus jobby job, my Trans-am, the jeep is done for now thankfully, kids, and about eleventy billion other hobbies and interests as well..... I just run myself ragged to make it all happen...Monster Energy assault and lots of coffee are good friends of mine. Luckily for shooting practice, 15 minute drive and im on 20 acres of private land that I hall year round full time access to, makes life alot easier than paying some dill weed at the range 16bucks for a lane for an hour... not to mention no restrictions on shooting "speed" or how to stand or what to do..plus we can blow shit up. tracer rds and propane tanks are fun. Tannerite is pretty cool too...And now as a bonus, the kids are gettin older and have both taken an interest in shooting and so has the missus....so I can now kinda wrap family time and bang bang time together on occasion, lets me kill 2 birds with one stone sometimes.....

  9. Its nice to see some action in this part of the forum..and I am happy to see so many of you guys exercising your 2nd amendment rights...but who here is also a shooter? a real shooter? Like out of all you guys that carry, how often do you shoot? How many rds a year?

    And most importantly what I wanna know is, out of all you guys, whats your criteria for allowing a pistol to be your carry piece? I hope you guys didnt buy your gun and a box of ammo, took it to the range, made it go bang bang a couple times and called it good for your carry piece.... to me, minimum 500rds without any major malfs before any of my semi auto are even thought of being carried, my wheelguns, ill let it drop down to 200 or so.

    Next..how often do you practice? a lot? a little? none? Carrying that dope ass glock(not knocking anyone, i promise) dont do you no good when the shit hits the fan if the muscle memory isnt there, and not to mention in my belief, standard, shooting range practice is not sufficient for "training" yourself to be in a defense situation, standing at a firing line, letting off 1 rd every 2 seconds from a weaver stance isnt going to do you much good when the shit goes down.... Can you put rounds where they count from cover? from your back? from prone? weak hand only? strong hand only? inverted? Do you know the difference between cover and concealment in terms of what you pick to stand/duck behind when youre getting shot at? Cause Ill tell you what, with whats on my hip right now, you best pick a good place to hide...car doors aint shit, steel entry doors like at a business aint shit, even cinder block...phhht.. You need to practice for perfection, as when the time comes that you need it, youll be mediocre at best. (Clint Smith)

    So I guess my point is, who here is a real shooter and who just owns a gun or 2, and thinks theyll be able to get the job done.

    And for those wondering, I shoot approx 12k+ rds a year and have actually been trying to step it up, as this summer ill be competing in a local indoor pistol series (think bowling pin shoot meets heads up double elimination drag racing)...and a rimfire rifle series as well(all shots are off hand, no slings, no nothing allowed, varying ranges, only x's count for points).... Also starting to learn to reload my own...try to save a little coin at least.

  10. Nice catch there...and great pics with the rest of the wildlife you got to interact with... Im more into constrictors myself...but one time, a friend of mine that is very much so into "hots" had a Gaboon Viper manage to get loose and out of his hots room.... boy that was an entertaining afternoon trying to track him down and catch him, knowing that the nearest anti-venom was hours away......but we found him and got him put away without anything bad happening... I did get lit up bad by a Scorpion he had at one time though... I can't recal the species, but it wasnt an Emporer..it laid me up something awful for a couple days. No fun..hence I dont play with hots to much anymore...although I have began to take a liking to tarantulas and recently picked up a chillian rose hair, and and currently trying to find an OBT.

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