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Posts posted by Bigsix

  1. The FEDS problem IS the state laws. The Feds dont like not being in complete control of every aspect of our lives.. So they use the whole Fed law supersedes state law as a cop to enforce whatever they think is best for us. It is sad the our federal gov't has changed and grown into this monster that is so far removed from what our fore fathers meant for it to be. Luckily there are a small handful of politicians out there like Ron Paul, that do not have their heads completely up their asses and want to return things to what they should be.

  2. louder?... I don't buy that.


    In theory, 2 indentical set ups, with the same power, only difference one being a 12" square sub, the other being a 12" round sub, the square set up, on paper should be louder... more cone area. And how times has the mantra of " cone area is king" been proven on this site alone? a million?

  3. It depends on the port. Square subs do better with square ports, round subs with round ports, and octagon subs with octagon ports. It get's louder since the sound waves already fit through the port


    I dont know about all that...I was always under the impression sound waves are round. Period. regardless of what shape the source is, a sound wave is round. I would like for someone of more knowledge to chime in on this to be certain.....

  4. My understanding is as follows: The reason a comparable square sub is louder than the round sub of similar specs and size is that the square sub of any given size, has more cone area than its round equivalent, that being said, I have yet to hear any square subs that truly sound "great" to my ears....sure they are loud, but all I have heard sound boomy and not as good as a similar round sub set up

  5. "

    A Remote Gain is what Sundown amps have. It isn't a bass knob. A bass knob adjust the bass boost on the amp. A remote gain adjust the input voltage of amp. "

    No shit sherlock, hence why I said remote gain in all caps, But, Ive heard many people refer to either as a "bass knob"...which makes sense to me...turn knob makes bass louder, whether it is a remote gain, or a remote bass boost, turning up either essentially has the same effect to ones ears, more bass. It seems to me "bass knob" has kinda become a catch all phrase...such as when the rednecks around here talk about "oh you got a kicker box in there" in referencing the subs.. I was way more on point than the poster I was quoting, who was being a dick and not knowing wtf he was talking about in regards to the OPs question.

  6. Get a PAC-LC1 which is a line level knob instead or strap them.

    the fuck are you talking about?

    he wants to turn 2 amps on with the same remote wire, easy stuff

    just pigtail the remote wire off to the 2 amps. done.

    Well, heres what the fuck he is talking about, he read the fucking original post properly.

    someone loaded up on dicksauce a little early... Says Remote Gain in the title......key words:

    REMOTE GAIN...aka bass knob....

  7. big three with zero, if its for 3 months or 3 years, if you are going to do it, do it right, or dont bother. And I would most likely run bigger than 4 ga to that brz, especially if you are gonna run it at 1ohm..... I have American Bass 0ga ran into my brz1700 for the power and ground... it has 2 ga inputs, so obviously they want you to run 2ga, not 4, but its your car, run more current than you should through the 4ga, and at least youll know why you keep blowing fuses.

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