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Posts posted by Bigsix

  1. If it hurts it is to much. If its loud and distorted it is to much. But there are many people on here that have had serious systems for a long time with no real degradation in hearing ability. Although some others have what will be life long hearing damage from systems, the one I am thinking of in particular was caused by a big orange van that is just retarded loud. I have had a system of some sorts in every vehicle Ive owned, some louder than others, but I have no noticeable or measurable loss in hearing. Talking 16 years of loud music. Many systems, many concerts, bikes w drag pipes, drag cars...lots of loud and I hear ok still.


    What'd you say?

  2. just saying what ive heard, no need to call me out and say im a noob. yes, i new to some things. but im bringing what i heard here, and if its not true, then its not. i leanred something and maybe somelse whose heard that leanred it absolutly dont matter

    One might find it best to check their info before spouting off, passing along " what you heard" without knowing better is spreading mis-information. If you dont know, you just don't know. Doesn't help to spread info you don't know to be correct or not... Just makes ya look like a dummy. :twirl:

  3. Well the general consensus around here seems to be you cn't go wrong with rockford gear, and a shop local to me pushes them big time, I've heard a few different comp sets And I agree, they sound nice... I'm using an Oxygen Audio 3 way set and I'm diggin them so far, but I think Im going to look for a stronger tweeter and switch to active... Because It isn't quite what I was looking for, but I had to buy 'em and try 'em to know for certain.

    What do you want for the trailblazer? Coax's, comp sets? stock size, or you willing to cut shit up and or/ do glass? You kind of gotta decide on that, then go from there... Budget is obviously also a factor, no point in someone telling you to get some polyglass or morels or something like that if you only want to spend small monies...

  4. Sure it'll sound great... Compared to stock. Regardless of what we think, you gotta listen to it everyday, not me, and what I think sounds great might not sound just right to you and vice versa..Go try and listen to some of the gear your considering, if possible and make a decision from there.. If not, at least try to decide what you are looking for from your speakers and read some end user reveiws and make a decision there.. after that though, it really does just boil down to buy it and try it, always achance you might not be happy with the results.. or you may be thrilled with them in your particular set up... only way to know is to do it.

  5. How loud do you want it? Changing only the mufflers and leaving everything else stock will add some rumble to it and it'll sound nice, but it won't be very loud. Also are you worried about emissions/ Do you have a yearly E-check or inspection? If you don't have to worry about that type of thing, you can have the cats deleted, delete the resonators and replace the mufflers and make it sound like a beast. Another option would be to replace the cats with high flow units, whack the resonators and change mufflers. I myself have never been a big fan of the SLP loud mouth on F-Bodies( has a drone to it that just don't stop), has a raspy sound that resonates into the interior to much.. I had a dynomax for a while, sounded mean but was kind of quiet for my taste.. ended up just running emission delete long tube headers, a custom built y pipe and a moroso spiral flow bullet muffler... Shit sounds nasty.... But it's stupid loud. The lincoln on the other hand, Imma keep that as quiet as possible.

  6. Since I've got your attention Orion, On the 4ch Ill be running the mids and tweets off of, set ch1 and 2 to high pass for tweets? set ch. 3 and 4 to high pass for the mid as well would full pass be more appropriate? and then the 2ch amp for the 8's, low pass or full? I can also control the front RCA high pass freq as well, I can go 50,60,80,100,120hz off the HU (Guessing I should set that at what ever I set the 8's to cut off at? 50hz?)... Sorry if some of this is noobish man, fisrt time Ive dont a system that Ive had this much control over everything....kinda mind numbing at times, especially when a handful of vics are kickin in on ym F'ed up knee... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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