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Posts posted by Bigsix

  1. Damn that deck is suhweet...... but over a grand.. Not happening. At least not right now thats for sure... Im trying to get the Lincoln squared away and playing well without having to drop a shit ton more money, I have pretty much spent what I told myself the budget was for the Lincoln, I have a Trans -am thats gotta get finished up so it can get broken again at the track again. Most likely going to go the 4ch for the tweet and mid, and the midbasses off of a 2ch, right now that is looking like the easiest, simplest means to an end. Eventually I would like to get a processor or a fully active HU, but it is not in the cards right now....

  2. So, ya thats about it. If you havent seen my build log, I'm running an Oxygen Audio 3 way comp set in my front doors.. I am seriously considering going to an active set up, and was looking for input/advice as to the best way to go about doing this..

    What do you guys recommend? I am trying to no blow through a ton of money to make the switch, but I'll spend what I need too, I was thinking about getting an active capable 4ch to run my tweets and 4.25's, then using one of the few different 2ch amps I have laying around to push the 8's.. will that work? is there an easier way? Also what are some decent budget oriented amps to look at that will fit the bill?

  3. Seems like a waste of ammo to me and i have heard mixed reviews about it.... Also going fully auto classifies as a Class 3 weapon which you need an ATF stamp for... Unless someohow this makes a cut and isnt considered Full Auto

    It isnt full auto as you are still pulling the trigger once for every rd fired. This stock is way overpriced, all it does is allow you to bump fire from a shoulder postion, nothing illegal in any way, shape or form. As long as trigger is pulled seperately for every round fired, a weapon is not classified as full auto by the gov't. regardless of the rate of fire.

  4. Here's a few more, Here's a finished shot of the building


    I always wish I couldve finished this one, Dude was short on time and we stopped right here, Never saw him again he literally disappeared from his job and everything


    This is a work in progress, its kind of a collage on my dude g-units leg, when he feels like ink he lets me know and we work on it..



    Anime style chick on the top of a hand, crappy cell phone pic






  5. Started out with me getting to many tats, then I decided that since I could draw well, I'd do an apprenticeship and learn to ink to save myself some cash and to not blow a fortune on the old ladies pieces... Here's a couple pieces I've done for friends:


    Wish my dude would use some lotion or something on his dry ass skin before snapping a pic..


    Girlie shit seems pretty easy to do



    I'll have to see is I have a pic of this completed, its missing color and the background:


    Ill see what else I have pics of, I lost a huge portion of my portfolio due to a computer crash, And I know I'm the the best, but my work is way more solid than a lot of "pros" I see charging retarded money for work... Anyone in Ohio also an ink slinger? Im looking for someone with a lil skill to trade work with.

  6. Driver seat.

    Update: I'm starting to suspect that it was actually the hotel California song having more sound effects on the right channel at the beginning of the song. Can someone confirm this?

    I was having the same issues last week when I was gettin my doors dialed in, ends up the MP3 I have of Awolnation "sail" is pretty unbalanced, I figured it out by swapping my RCA's, put red to white and white to red and the imbalance switched to the other side.. Used some different tracks and also re aimed my driver side tweet and everything sounds better now.

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