I know a few of u guys have seen my box on here a few times and I know I did a just BRUTAL and HORRIBLE port design on it since it was my first box. But now I need SMD's help to fix this up! Cuz here's what I wanna do I wanna b able to use the same dimensions as I have now to b able to reuse all the plexi and dressup on the box. And same subs. Just wanna. C if there is any way I can fix up this design?? Maybe even fix the current box I have now? But if that one is junk I guess I can always get more wood and make a new one. But It really needs to b same dimensions cuz they r PERFECT in that car. The car is a 1987 Porsche 924s, please help!
Here r pics and more info on the box!
And a vid: