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Everything posted by 96burban

  1. Dammit Ninja'd lol but you know you won't catch these on no $7 deal Hahahaha yes that's the sucky part! Haha
  2. I know a few of u guys have seen my box on here a few times and I know I did a just BRUTAL and HORRIBLE port design on it since it was my first box. But now I need SMD's help to fix this up! Cuz here's what I wanna do I wanna b able to use the same dimensions as I have now to b able to reuse all the plexi and dressup on the box. And same subs. Just wanna. C if there is any way I can fix up this design?? Maybe even fix the current box I have now? But if that one is junk I guess I can always get more wood and make a new one. But It really needs to b same dimensions cuz they r PERFECT in that car. The car is a 1987 Porsche 924s, please help! Here r pics and more info on the box! http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/129130-custom-porsche-sub-box-kenwood/page__p__1816031__fromsearch__1#entry1816031 And a vid:
  3. Right right. Good point. Yeah I guess I'll go with the 11" then. Pretty tight I've always wanted a PR! Haha but first I need to get these bad asses
  4. I notice that every other day that I use my car it never sounds the same 2 days in a row. Sometimes the bass is super loud and sometimes it's not. Just from going day to day. Does anyone know y?? Or that just me going crazy?? And my ears beginning to fail?? Help!
  5. Ok guys this is what I'm gonna do. I just noticed I can get a 12V photocell sensor at radio shack for like $5. So I'm gonna get one 2moro and experiment. And c what's up. If everything else fails..then the module it is!
  6. I agree with this. this is a $2 fix rather than a $30 fix Yeah this is true but I like the cool little gadgets like these. U know what they say! The price of cool ain't cheap man! And I actually have to agree with you on this burban I mean go big or go home. Nothing like the wow factor and since you already had the idea go with the module. I mean think about it like this What would Scooter do . Haha thanks man! I actually thought people were ginna disagree with me haha. Thanks for the support broskee! And that's exactly what I look for! Wow factor! Haha
  7. I agree with this. this is a $2 fix rather than a $30 fix Yeah this is true but I like the cool little gadgets like these. U know what they say! The price of cool ain't cheap man! And
  8. Dude! That's perfect!!! Thanks Sooo mch for ur help bass junkie! And man that price aint bad at all!! Perfect!! Thanks man! And not just him all u guys thanks guys!
  9. Cuz I have these blue LEDs attached to a metallic silver plexi back and I have it intergrated in my door and now the way it's wired is directly for it turn on when u open the door. But then plexi is blue all the time. But I want it to only b blue during the night and for it to b turned off during the day. And the time when u would it most during the night is when u r getting into the car and u open the door and so I can't just have a switch cuz then it's too late, u would already have closed the door by the time u flip the switch. So I wanna know if there is a timer that would turn on at night time only when power is given to it (which would b when u open the door) and so that it turns off at day. By setting the time of day on it.
  10. Hey SMD I was wondering if anyone knows I there is such thing as an electric timer for cars?? I'm talkin like the type of timers that u have in ur home that plugs into the wall and u set the time u want something to turn on. Just for cars though. Do they exist? Haha
  11. buy 1 to 3 woofers its a certain price and buy more than 3 its another price Ohhhhh ok gotcha. Thanks for the clearing up!
  12. Will these b good sealed woofer?? Cuz I wanna put these beasts in my trunk doors of my suburban. How would they sound with small amount of space?? And also in the pre-order pricing what's does pcs stand for?? And y is 1-3 pcs more expensive than 4?? Thanks!
  14. Here ya go: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/128525-poll-which-custom-door-panel-looks-better/page__p__1808105__fromsearch__1#entry1808105
  15. Thanks man I appreciate it. It's actually pretty easy haha. The hardest part is getting everything smooth and filled in. The rest is a piece of cake. At least it was in my case haha
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