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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. I'm still young, I'm still learning, but my life has been pretty crazy!

    Born in Sacramento, CA, in 1993, I had an awesome life growing up until my parents started fighting. Their fights were extremely violent, both verbally and physically. They got a divorce and since most of the family on my mom's side lived in Wichita, we moved there too in 2000. My grandpa is the one I can say got my hooked on car audio, he had such an impact on my life because he taught me everything I know today car related (welding, bodywork, electricals, etc..) and on October 13, 2003, he was killed when our garage exploded due to a leaky furnace. The crazy thing is, I was about to get out of school 20 minutes prior, and that was the first place I always went to after school.

    Fast forward to 2010, my grades were dropping, I increasingly became less interested in school and more in audio, and was working part-time at a local Sonic Drive-in. They cut me off the payroll and my life really plummeted from there. I had questioned many times if I was just a burden to those around me and wondered if I was just better off dead. I dropped out of school, lost everything, and was selling everything non-audio related that I didn't need to buy my bud. All I did from then was grow, sell, and smoke bud and play Call of Duty online. An amount of grams that increased per day, all day every day for 12 months. My life was an absolute wreck. Then, I decided it was time for something new. I stopped smoking (the nasty habit of cigarettes stayed with me though) and decided to get back into school. Fast forward to this day, I'm enrolling to get my GED, get into I.I in Daytona Beach, FL, and I'm starting my own line of subs!

    Every day is something new and something I look forward to now and it's just a Godsend to know that there are people out there like myself who find such a passion in car audio. I may not have that many posts or been here very long, but to me the forums feels like family.

    That's a very touching story, thanks for sharing! I'm sure your grandfather would be proud of you for going back to school, and doing the right things in life. And karma will come back to you, so just keep it up! And good luck with all your adventures in life, and starting your own sub company. There is nothing like pursuing a dream!

  2. Omg its been like 8 minutes did you get it done? LoL

    Umm, hell no, not in 8 minutes! Dude it took me forever to do this!

    I picked one hell of a time to learn how to edit!

    Anyway, it's done now, just gotta upload and process. Thanks guys for all of your help!

    The new copy of Windows Movie Maker did the trick!

    You gotta get Windows Live Movie Maker, the other one is from some other company, and it sucks ass!

  3. what's the question.. I think I'm qualified to help with editing questions :)

    Sweet, thanks man! The problem I'm having is this:

    I tried wmm for over 2 hours today, when I go to save my project, it says the source file cannot be read. But it can obviously read it enough to let me make the project, just not save it.! Idk?

    So I am about to try again, after installing the latest divx codec.

    Also I am downloading Final Cut Pro X trial version atm.

    So, any suggestions?

  4. I've never messed with movie maker, but grab the divx codec. Might be why vids won't play.

    Thank you sir, got it, and installed it a little bit ago!

    I use Final Cut Pro X

    Thanks man, I am dl a trial version now! Hope it works out for me!

    I use Final Cut Pro X


    X2 Thanks!

    Download the trial to Sony Vegas or if you want I could edit it for you.

    Man, I would just let you do it for sure, but I tried uploading them to rapid-share earlier, and it was gonna take 6 hours!

    Plus I'm a stubborn mf, I am bound and determined to figure this out now!

    Thanks for the offer though! I appreciate it! :drinks:

    For divx codec just download Divx and when you go to install it just install the codec and not the program if you have no use in using it, you can also go to microsoft and download the codec pack.

    Ahhh, too late! I already installed all that crap that comes with it! FML! Should I un-install it now?

  5. Man, that is really cool! And very similar to my story as well. Actually, if it's okay, I'd kinda like to tell it real quick now, after reading yours!

    I was into car audio growing up, and always had some sort of a system. But at age 18, I fell in love, and had a kid, and did all the family things for the next 9 years, all while still playing with car audio in my spare time. But then, around 2003, I developed some bad habits, and within 2 years, I found myself divorced, and depressed.

    I wasn't suicidal, but I was strung out on drugs very bad. I finally hit rock bottom, also back in 2008. I lost everything I had, then finally I got busted with some stuff, and the judge made me chose between rehab or prison. I chose rehab, obviously, and it was the best choice I have ever made!

    While in rehab, one of the things they forced into our heads was that you must have something to occupy our time, and our thoughts. So, when I finished my six months there, and came back home, The first thing I did was to find a job, and buy my PT. Right after I got it, I had to have some bumps, so I installed a $100 Walmart system, and that did it. I was hooked all over again!

    So I started hitting youtube, and I found this cool guy named Steve Meade, and his beastly 4 -18's, and the rest is history!

    So I too can honestly say that this site, along with car audio/ mobile electronics, has saved my life! And I'm not the only one that has benefited, but also my son, Shane. He has lived with me full time ever since a few months after I got out of rehab. His mother also got into trouble, but she chose a different path. So in prison she sits.

    So, I guess you could say that it has helped make me and my sons life better! Because it's really hard to say where I'd be had I not stumbled in to this site, or revamped my love for car audio....

    But it's like they say, everything happens for a reason...

    And btw, I'm glad that it jammed on you! ;)

  6. Unless you have some serious voltage issues, I bet it's just psychoacoustics at work.


    A friend of mine actually said his was louder one day and not the next, and when I was adding bigger wire for a new amp he had rattled his ground loose which would make it do that..

    I was gonna say, yesterday on my way to your house, I noticed the same thing, the same song getting louder at times. It was my bass knob shorting out, I unplugged it and it fixed the problem.

    But damn the luck, I really loved my bass knob ;(

    But yeah man, check all your grounds and rca's, and bass knob if you have one.

    He shouldn't have any voltage issues, he's only running 500 rms.

  7. Fixed, the back of the idler pulley hit the stock alt bracket casein and he told me to grind it flush lol, he sent me instructions for the wiring and got it all buttoned up. Now apparently my spare stock alt is dead :( so its on to look good not hooked up lol

    Hell yeah, you guys w your chevy's have it made!

    Wish I could mount a second alt! Or a third, or fourth....

    Jk man! Can't wait to see what's in store next! ;)

  8. I thought you were using DC's :ehh:

    You definitely have some space to kill in the ported section.

    Can't wait to see stage 3 get started!

    Hurry upppp!!!


    Thanks man. As I said before, I planned the .75ft3 of extra space in the ported section on purpose, you will see. It's all good!

    And thanks again for doing that for me, I'm sure it was no easy task considering how I designed it, with a pencil, a notebook, a calculator, and my brain! :peepwall:

    Ninja pic


    Again, considering, you did an awesome job! Many thanks! Now to get it built!

  9. Anyone else wanna see a ninja pic? :peepwall:

    Okay, so I came up with a design for these subs in my car, but I suck BAD at sketch-up. So, I got some help from 412 CVX, and now I have a sketch-up rendering! Big thanks to 412 CVX, I guarantee it was not easy with the info I gave him, but as you can see, he's pretty good!!!

    So here is what is about to happen:


    Stay tuned fellas, Stage 3 starts TODAY!!! :clapping:

  10. ah man. hey, ill take a deal anyday!

    when are you going to start the rebuild>?

    I'm starting tomorrow actually, but just on the doors, dash, and interior color change. Probably be a couple of weeks before the actual wall building begins.

    I'll be starting the new thread in a few days!

    I'll be ordering my 15s as soon as PayPal clears my bank transfer, both of our builds at local comps repin skar audio FTW

    Hell yeah bro, look out! :drinks:

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