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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. There using the same baskets, so yes mounting is the same

    figured as much but didn't want to say anything since i wasn't sure

    Thread jack:

    Hey that reminds me, does anyone have a spare 12" Lvl4 basket?

    I am in need of one for mock up purposes, if anyone can help me out I appreciate it!

    End of thread jack.

  2. I still won't ever own or use a DD-1 .. :good:

    Edit : for maxi

    Okay, so why in the hell would you feel like you need to say that, and here of all places? And what is the "gimmick"?

    I'm sure that most people don't really care if you ever use one or not. It's your loss anyway.

    Edit: Damn, Steve ninja'd me!

  3. Man, I'm about to make an order, now I don't know what to do! I was gonna do 4 Level 4's but damn should I just wait for the new new stuff or what?

    I got my money ready, and actually would have them already paid for, but the Kevlar caps I wanted were all out of stock. Is this a sign telling me to be patient?

    CJ, Jeff, what would you guys do if you were me, honestly? Thanks for any help! :clapping: Decisions, decisions...

  4. What ya gonna do man? Can't do much, pops loves him some Cowboys and i'm sure he'd tell you you're being overprotective if he knew you felt like this. Does he have any medical issues already? Let pops do what pops does, he'll be alright. I feel you though, I wish my pops was still here so I could worry about him.

    Well that's just it. He has had 2 stints, and he has multiple other problems. Not that I can or would do anything, I wouldn't wanna take that from him. I'd just like to take away the aggravation.

    Very big dallas cowboys fan here also. I feel the same way. I am apart of them. Sucks when they loose, but im no fairweather fan. So i just keep rooting. Im too vested not to. 8 season tickets with the damn seat licensing fees, airbrushed cowboy logo on my fiberglass box, custom cowboys paint and leather interior on cherokee 6 airplane. Too late to turn back now. Lol

    Nice! Love it ! Got any pics?

    And yeah I was born in Dallas, that's where most of my family still lives, and I will die an true Cowboys fan for life!

  5. I will never understand how people get emotionally invested like that in a game.

    The exact same way people get so emotionally invested in car audio. For me, it's like I am living out my dream everytime I watch a game. I played football for 9 years, the last three as quarterback. But obviously I was never good enough to make it anywhere. So, for three hours on Sunday, I am part of the team, in my mind. Plus most of the players are all my age. It's hard to explain, but it's like it's your team...

  6. I feel the same way when my dad watches Kentucky Basketball. Lol.

    I feel the same way when my dad watches Kentucky Basketball. Lol.

    I have a double dose of dislike for UK. I'm from Indiana and so, automatically don't like UK, plus I live in Memphis and they "stole" out coach!

    I'm not a fan of UK basketball, or Indiana, but man that game winning three the other day was freakin awesome! bassahaulic I bet he really almost lost it then?

  7. Me and my dad have had a love for the Dallas Cowboys as long as I can remember, and and as long as they have existed for him. But he is 69 years old now, and I've notice that he has been getting more and more upset every time we watch them. Well, this season has been the worst. Since they have blown three 4th quarter leads of 12+ points, it has gotten bad for him. And last night, after they did it again, I thought my old man was gonna have a heart attack! He gets SO upset, it's unreal! I mean, don't get me wrong, I am a passionate fan myself. But I'm afraid he is gonna let it bother him so much that it causes him problems. But there is not much I can do about it, he will not give up watching the games. So, I guess I just really hope the Cowboys quit doing that stupid shit and start winning some football games!


  8. Square subs do have more cone. they can sound good but I think round subs will always sound better. That might just be because they are made by kicker though.

    the l7 where not built around SQ. i know how they sound, i own 4 of them, fosgate sounds cleaner by far. i still like my l7's though

    I wasn't talking about Kicker specifically. Other companies also make square subs. Also, Kicker makes other square ones besides the L7's. :peepwall: Just sayin...

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