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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. Okay....

    So Matt, your saying that the upper frequency db's would matter / be added, "if" they were included in SPL contests (which makes more since to me) but just that SPL contests are looking specifically for loud bass ?

    You guys ever see those mega-loud setups from Mexico, and South of there, which have like hundreds of mids/highs, but bass often seems to be ignored ? I wonder how they meter those ? A weighted ? Or just a full spectrum sweep ?



    Good question. My guess is they don't get metered very often.

  2. Yes, unfortunately it is a sad part of today's society. My son is 13, and recently hit a growing spurt. But a few years ago, he was the little guy, and when he started a new school he HATED it. He was sad everyday. I would spend the rest of the day sometimes just trying to pick him up a little. Didn't get better till I switched him back. But some of the shit these kids were making fun of him for I COULD NOT BELIEVE!!! Some kids are really cruel and heartless, they will do or say anything to be the center of attention.

    But I am sorry to hear of your problems. I wish there was something I could tell you, but I'd say you already know as much as I do.

    The good part is she is young, so there is plenty of time for her to make friends, in which case she will like school a whole lot more!

  3. you will not burn your amp. wiring to 1.33-ohms will be safe.

    I kinda think so too, it's really close, and after rise and other variables, I thought it may just work. I gotta build a new box anyway, so I may just try it and see. It is a beastly little amp, for a 1K. 1244 RMS on the "Birthsheet"

    If anything, it should go into protect b4 it fries, I WOULD THINK. I know, if it does fry, it will be my fault.

  4. They are stable to 2-ohms...period. below that they become unstable and protect. the signal they see is the signal they see...If you have your subs wired to 0.003-ohm and with the enclosure and vehicle they never drop below 2-ohms you'll be fine

    So in other words, I'll just have to try it and see? If not, it's no biggie, I'm gonna get a different amp for em anyway, prob a DC 2K.

  5. Okay, so my question is this. Kicker amps are only good down to 2 ohm, right? So, is that before rise, or after? What I'm getting at is this.

    I have 3 12" Solo L5's, they are D2 ohm, so I could rum the subs parallel, voice coils in series, for a 1.33 ohm load. Which should be OVER 2 ohm after rise, if I am not mistaken. So will my Kicker ZX1000.1 go into protect if I try to do this, or is there a chance it may work? Or mess stuff up? I know trial and error is probably my only way of knowing for sure, I was just hoping someone might already know whats up.

    Thanks for your time!

  6. If you mean 5kw each, then they will blow if you mean 5kw for 2 then it's gonna be on the edge..

    Solo X's don't really like a lot of power, 2000 watt should be better since he seems to be a beginner..

    They can handle more then 2.5kw but not much more, certainly not 5kw RMS as advertised.

    Hmm, I have seen a single Solo X 18 on over 5K RMS, and it handled it pretty damn good! I think it REALLY depends on the setup and install. But your rt, since he is a beginner, 2500 watts w/be better for him.

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