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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. I have NO PROOF of this, so it is just a story. But a true one, none the less.

    So, last night I was ridding around looking for some females to spend the evening with, and giving some demos. I know my car is not that loud, but around here, it is one of the loudest. Anyway, a couple of guys I know showed up, one wanted the other to hear my system. So of course I jammed him out! But after about 45 seconds at full tilt playing one of the newest Gucci songs, (On Some Other Shit - Free Bricks) This dude jumps out of my car and starts puking! Idk if he was already sick, or what. But that shit was slammin REALLY hard, and he definitely got sick. He blammed it all on the bass, said he has never heard shit that loud! Damn I wish I would have had my camera going!

    So, anyone else have a similar experience to share?

  2. Hey man, let me know how that works out for ya, I am very interested in doing a similar setup, but I was told Level 5's don't work well in a bandpass, or sealed box. Also, which side of the sub will be the sealed, and which will be ported? Not sure that it would make any difference, but I would think if the motor side was the ported side, that would help cool the sub? Like I said, I'm not real sure, just imo.

  3. they have a place called bank and little cards called credit cards. try using them:)

    Why comment if you have nothing to add?? To troll? They are called MAC, or ATM cards, NOT credit cards... :popcorn:

    ^^THIS X2^^^

    Please don't waste space in my thread. I am serious, I'm about to spend some cash. And no shit smart-ass, yeah I heard of a bank. They also deal w/this white and green stuff, it's called cash. And besides, where I am from, cash is better than credit.

  4. So my girlfriend has been after me for a few months to get her some bass in her car. I have been putting it off, waiting to find a deal on some nice used equipment. So last night, she comes home from work with this.





    It will go in this car


    She bought this stuff from a girl she works with for $100.

    I didn't think she did all that bad, considering she is a girl, and has no idea what is what.

    I think it will be just fine for her first system, which she is gonna help me install.

    Build log coming soon!

    Thunbs up for girls who like bass!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. wouldnt the rca voltage be too high?

    You would need to adjust the amp accordingly. But that should show you if it's the HU or not.

    And yes, Alpine is 2ohm peak.

    And yeah most amps will work at 2 ohm, just not there peak

  6. thats really what I am thinking. Probably just a pos. Ya I do not have too many options. Rockford 1500 cp looks nice. but shit $500!?

    Do you think the headunit would have anything related?

    It could be, but I doubt it. Especially if it is getting hot. That most likely has nothing to do w/the hu. Sounds like you just got a bad apple :(

    And the RF amps are really nice, but if I'm not mistaken, don't they want to be ran at 1 ohm? So far, Kicker is the only one I have found that makes their amps peak at 2 ohm. But I'd say there is someone else, I'm just not aware of them.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your problems. It sounds like the amp is just a pos, to be honest. But that is something you dont hear a lot about, Kicker amps being bad. Usually, there amps are their best product. But, since your speakers are at a 2 ohm load, you may have to stay w/a Kicker amp. I'd try to send it back again, this time tell them not to send it back unless it's really fixed.

    And btw, this post is post #500 for me, and they were all done the rt way! Woohoo!

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