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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. Congrats man! I bet you're psyched. You've known a ton of shit, even before you came here :) I want to work at a CA shop when I'm in college.

    If you dont mind me asking- how much do you get paid? It may be a little personal for you...

    Thank you, that was a very nice compliment! I may have forgot to mention, but the plan all along was to start back to school this fall. So this job will be perfect for me - work thru the day, classes in the evening! And that sounds like a really good idea for you too!

    And I don't mind, they are starting me at $9/hr, 40+ hrs a week, to do mostly tint and vinyl stuff. The pay would increase if/when I were to move up into fab. I am just pumped to get to work with some people I can learn so much from! Their top fab guy has 30+ years experience, and does some really nice work!

    This is the first job I have ever truly looked forward to starting!

  2. congrats id of taken both jobs honestly. I work at a local dealer too but im picking up night hours at homedepot unloading product for them 8-12 monday - thursday for extra money , but i might drop the local dealer for a construction job doing 12 hours days making 12$ an hour not sure yet going to see what all the construction job contains

    Thanks man! Yeah I wanted to do both jobs, but DQ needed someone for days and evenings, and I couldn't do days. But they may still call for me to work evenings, I'm down for as many hours as I can get!

    I had applied for some construction work. You can make decent money at it. But in my area most people in construction get laid off thru the winter, which I am trying to avoid.

  3. Hello SMD! I just wanted to take a min to thank Steve and everyone here who puts this site together. As we all know, the economy SUCKS, many people have lost their jobs, and the cost of living gets higher daily. I, like many others, got laid off several months back, and let me tell you, un-employment is just not enough! So for the past few months, I have been job hunting like a mofo!

    And finally my efforts have paid off. I start my new job tomorrow at Car Stuff Unlimited, the best shop in my area! And I have to be honest, had I not stumbled across this site, I probably never would have had the knowledge or confidence to even try to get a job there. The same day they called me, Dairy Queen called too, and I would have had to take the job. But instead of flipping burgers in a fast food joint, I get to work in an area I love and respect. So again, thanks to everyone! Tomorrow will be the beginning of something really good! I feel extremely blessed!

    Also, much more pics will be coming to the site now as well! Some really sweet rides come out of this shop, and you know I will share my experiences! So keep a look out, new pics coming soon!

    And again, THANK YOU SMD!

  4. I have been thinking, is there any way you can do the test again, only this time reverse the order of the batteries? See, I am wondering if the tester was pulling a different load the first time used, as opposed to the last. If you could do it again, this time reversing the order of the batteries, then that would remove any questions about the testing procedures. Thanks for your time.

  5. fecupe2001 brought up a good point. I am on tiny power(1244rms), maybe I am chasing something the wrong way? Trying to do too much w/not enough?

    My son is totally against a 4th order, he wants me to double up and do a wall. And I think I need to learn more b4 I waste wood and time, so maybe a wall would be better for what I want. So what do you guys think, should I just hold off 4 a min, get 2 more 12's and another amp, and do a wall?

    Thanks for you time guys!

  6. Okay, so I want to build a 4th order bandpass for my 2 12" L5's in a 2002 PT Cruiser. I have done several sealed boxes, a couple of ported, but this is my first bandpass build. I owned a bandpass years ago, and have wanted to do one ever since. So now the time has come.

    Here is what I have to work with:

    2 - 12" Kicker Solo L5 D2

    1 - 2010 Kicker ZX1000.1 = "1244 birth sheet"

    Big Three 1/0 = DONE

    2 - Kinetik HC1400 = DONE

    190a LoadBoss = DONE

    Hushmat Pro 60+ sq ft

    Plus components, DVD, etc.


    Plan is to take out the backseats, so I have a lot of room. I wanted something where I can see the subs doin work, but still get optimal performance.

    Measurements are roughly 35" width, up to 35" length, and probably no taller than 20" in height. Preferably around 18", but can do more.

    So, if anyone is interested in helping me design a good setup, I'd really, really appreciate it!


    My son and a few friends all think I should double up on subs and amps, and do a wall. What do u think?

  7. I think he meant to say something like this, maybe?

    Ok, I'm putting 4 Memphis 15's in my Saturn wagon, and i was wondering if any one has heard one with bangs in it. My box is tuned to 32, but i started to seal it up with peal n seal. And the roof don't sound any different with it on there, but it is blocking up a bunch of holes, which i think is good, well, it sounds a lil different. But it sounds good if i hit my roof from the out side. I don't know what to expect outta this, just wanted some other peoples opinions on this. Thanks for reading and commenting.

    Ha, I still don't really know what the question is!

  8. Thanks guys

    about the 6th, i have no more space to do it. the european car it's too small.

    This blue it's a Kawasaki specific color. do you want the color code? :) i can see it next week! (it's a something like a pearl purple/blu)

    Some numbers, over 157 @45hz before the windscreen breaking,but i had no time to try to increase this result. this is the first try. after the windscreen breaking i lose over 1 db

    box spec it's:

    around 70 litres sealed box (1 sub)

    450 litres for the second chamber

    HAve a nice day!

    Hey I LOVE your car! But I'm not understanding a few things you said, sorry :noob: <me

    what exactly is a "windscreen"?

    And the box specs, you said,"around 70 liters sealed box (1 sub)" - Does that mean the the entire first chamber (2 subs) is 140 liters, just two seperat 70 liter chambers? And the second chamber, is that doubled also, or just 450 total?

    Again, I really, really love this car. Thanks for sharing!

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