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Posts posted by Bakerman

  1. Okay, so IDK how many of you watch Ray William Johnson on youtube, but if not, you need to check him out. About once or twice a month, he comes out with an original song, and and awesome music video. While they are good, nothing ever really stood out to be AMAZING, until the latest video. The lyrics just felt like they were gonna slap the shit out of somebody. Just watch and tell me what you think...


  2. Yeah, but he was in handcuffs...so he wasn't a deadly threat. Had he not been detained, I would've had to shoot him. I was alone w/ this guy, and when we got to jail, i thought he was having a diabetic attack...so i had an ambulance meet us at the jail. They said his blood sugar was normal, but he needed to be hospitalized, so i put him back in my patrol car and we went to the jail. We got to the jail, and I opened the back door. He noticed there were no fences, and he was determined to run away. He tried to knock me down, but we both went to the ground. The ONLY reason I was able to get on top of him and hold him down till backup came was b/c he was still in handcuffs...although I was kicked in the face several times. When backup got there, I got off of him, and we told him to calm down or he would be tased. He stood up and said, "I am a soldier, I will never quit, hut 2". So we shot him with the taser. Every time the taser let up, he would get up and try to run away, or charge us again. After several minutes, he pulled the tasers out and attacked another officer. I was able to get ahold of him, pick him up, and slam the shit out of him. This knocked the breath out of him and allowed a long enough window so that me and another officer could get back on top of him and hold him down...this is the point when the nurses were like "Hold him there, we got some stuff that will put him to sleep".

    Now, I know that someone will comment about the overuse of the taser...like I said we did tase him about 8 times. I must itterate, that first, I was not the one doing the tasing...I do not carry a taser...I'd rather fight it out. But this guy should've been tased...Now, I do think that 8 times is a little too much, but like I said, it wasn't me tasing. I think that after about 2 times, then you know it ain't working, and you need to try something different. But, it was the supervisor who was tasing, so I let him do his thing.

  3. Okay, if this should be in the 18+ forum, I apologize, just move it please. But anyways, we've all heard of this new stuff called Bath Salts. And I know there are plenty of recreational drug users on this forum. I just wanted to know if anyone on here has ever tried it. What is the most common way of using it, and what are the effects of it. I ask this not b/c I want to try it, but as most of you know, I am a police officer. Last night I had the worst fight I ever had with a guy who was an abuser of bath salt. Most people around here snort it, and we never have any real problems...but this guy melted it down and shot it up, and he became the fucking hulk. I am about 290lbs, and this guy was everybit of 140lbs. I had him in a headlock, and he stood up with me on his shoulders. We tased him about 8 times, and he ended up ripping the lines off of him. The only way we gained control was to get him held down long enough to allow the nurses at the hospital to give him 4 sedative shots. This was rediculous, and I in no way shape or form want to be caught in that situation again...so I'm just trying to learn the effects of the stuff a little better so that I can know what to look for.

  4. you totally missed the point. are you building in the trunk? if not through out the 55 wide. and you might want to do a mock up to make sure its gonna fit

    Some people just dont get it.

    What he is trying to say, is don't measure the trunk, build a box, and then not be able to fit it in through the trunk opening. Either go smaller or build it from the inside of the trunk.

  5. 2.8L 6 but its an auto.. oh well

    And ive never heard of a heatercore causing overheating.. im not doubting you man, just trying to learn can you explain?

    If the heater core is leaking or stopped up, then this is crucial. It will inhibit the flow of the coolant through the whole cooling system. It would be about the same as a radiator hose, or the radiator itself leaking or being stopped up.

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