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Bakerman last won the day on December 10 2020

Bakerman had the most liked content!

About Bakerman

  • Birthday 08/08/1988

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    Dirty Myrtle
  • Interests
    Getting back in the swing of things. OG on deck.

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  1. Cooking my wife and kids a good steak dinner, and working on my system at the same time...im good!

    1. WastedTalent


      I'd rephrase that. Cooking your wife and kids?

  2. Join my live broadcast...changing headlights on my tahoe.http://youtu.be/jn0_28JcB-w

  3. I have a Dog Named Bella and another named Jake :):)

    1. n8ball2013


      whats your boyfriends name?

  4. You know how they say history will always repeat itself? Well, eventually the entire written English language will be evolved into emoticons. Teenage girls will basically take us back to Egyptian hieroglyphs.

  5. Does anyone kno how to make the mobile FB show most recent status updates instead of most popular? I want to see whats goin on now...not what happened 2 days ago.

  6. I said i wanted a tic tac, not a tick tock.

  7. "I will always find a lazy person to do the difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it." -Bill Gates

    1. Kyblack76


      It just takes them 11 months to do it..........

  8. So, this is like the 5th "end of the world" that we have survived...oh well.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      This is like the millionth time that I have given zero fucks.

    2. KillaCam


      There are not many situations in which I give any fucks.

  9. Remember back in the day when you used to hate controllers b/c they would always get tangled up...but now you hate controllers because they are always getting lost like the tv remote.

  10. We need to get the bous back over at the house next weekend. Cookout for everybody 12.14.12

  11. Thanks to the internet, my christmas shopping is 98% done. My parents, Jimmy Baker and Angela Baker are gonna be surprised at what me and Nikki Wallace Baker got them! Love you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      are you saying you couldn't have done your shopping without the internet?

    3. Raptorman


      I feel like this is a facebook status.

    4. KillaCam


      It is, they are full names because they are tags.

  12. Got my tv's nd computer on order today. Before nd after. 55" on the tv nd 42" on the computer.

  13. HM on ps3 at bakermaninc

  14. Just found out the new Sharp 90" tv costs about $11k before taxes. Buzzkiller

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iwannabeloud


      pron and black ops2  on a 90" tv

    3. OrionStang


      Aquos is pretty sweet, Skippy.

    4. BobbyG2


      get a projector

  15. Can't even get on fb because all I see is a buncha statuses about cocks. Yeah it was good game, nd USC played hard, but for christ sake, we watched the same game you did. You don't have to update every 20 mins abt it. That's what sets apart Clemson fans from Carolina fans. We've won so much, a win is now just a win...we take it and keep rolling. Carolina fans take it overboard, like they just won the lottery or something. And your players are worse than your fans. That's why Swearinge...

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