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Posts posted by Ecco

  1. Asshole. Total fucking inbread dumbass... How do I report him to the FBI? Damn, I really wanna slam his head with a car door, knock some sense into him. I'm assuming the army didn't want him due to his weight and he's just pissed and taking advantage of good people.

  2. I personally use a pair of Sennheiser HD-205's every day. They produce clean clear mids, highs, and well defined bass. They have an overall great sound to them. They are not super bass heavy, but in a radio studio, that's not needed.

    That's what I own. They seriously squeeze my head. I guess that's to keep outside noise down.

  3. i had a pair of skullcandys lol

    they were the skullcrushers they have the built in sub and amp

    and they had like 0 bass...

    they just shake

    im not a big fan of them

    The ones I had were amazing. Uhmmm and I have a pair of Sennheisers now, but I wear glasses, and it gorges them into my skull. And they don't exactly have style, which is important to me. I'm going for these but they're sold out everywhere.. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/CAD+Audio+-+Professional+Studio+Over-the-Ear+Headphones/3652168.p?id=1218424169119&skuId=3652168#BVRRWidgetID

    Like I said, for what you're asking, I think Sony would be a good brand.

  4. id say like 300 or so

    Wow i could get you a bose earphones for cheap like 30 bucks depends on my friend. He works at bose and he gets them for free(five fingers discount). Brand new. I got my for 20 because they were use but still good price.

    ....Really? Coming here and saying that you'll sell him stolen headphones? <_<

    Anyways, Skullcandy headphones have always had a ton of bass, you can look them up at multiple sites. For more SQ, I'd go for Sony. I've been using a pair of Sonys and they were great. Unfortunately, the right side stopped playing (wiring issue, if I tilt the ear cup a certain way it still plays).

  5. Illegal Activities

    Do I even need to Say anything about this?

    No sharing MUSIC files, programs, Movies. you know about RIAA?

    if its Illegal and You know it, leave it at the door We don't wanna Hear about it.

    This is a Serious offense I doubt you'll get a warning.

    Just saying, last time I checked, pirating is frowned upon.

  6. It's fine. You're not a poser for wearing it, you are just a fan of it. I have an old Oregon Ducks sweatshirt (doesn't have the new logo and it's all stitched lettering), and it's my favorite sweatshirt that I've ever owned. the main thing is don't get it to just bandwagon and say that X is the best so you're repping it. If you like it, show that off! Don't get it just because it's popular. Hmmm, this sounded better in my head. You get what I mean. :pardon:

  7. No, the method that the other guy is talking about does work, but it's not as accurate as this method. And I learned from people telling me, as well as trial and error. I started just like you (except worse, haha), so I'm glad to lend comments and show you a thing or two about that program. :drinks:

    Well Thanks man.. so do you know how to tell what hertz the songs are at? i'd like to know because my box is tuned in the low 30's :)

    I'm still trying to find that one out. I just bass it by ear, I have no clue what hertz any of my songs are at exactly.

  8. Go Oregon :P I got a tour of that place, and I got to see the new shredders that they were making for a customer in japan, as well as some of the demo shredders like that one. I have pictures too (for high school). And it's right by the place where I bought my truck. Woohoo!

  9. La La La La La- Juvenile Slowed


    I got clipping on that as well. Saw it while it was playing in WMP, than slapped it into Audacity and it confirmed it. Gonna listen to more.

    Alright.. well how can you tell on Audacity if its clipping? and if you might know, what hz they are :noob:

    I'll show you with pics.


    This song (my bassed edit of I'm Flexin ([ECCO]2)) is fine. No clipping. If you zoom in to the boxed area:


    You see that the wave doesn't hit the top. If you're confused, here's an example of seeing clipping:


    This boxed area has clipping. You can see it from this zoomed in section, but the full view might be tough to see. What I do is see potential areas, and zoom in and make sure that they are fine. If I zoom in to the box area:


    You can see that the wave hits the top and flattens out. That's how you know it's clipped.

    taylor gang is clipped to all hell, you need to download the new audacity 1.3 beta and go to view then click on show clipping.

    Hahah. Nope. That's not really accurate.

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