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RCP Audio

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RCP Audio last won the day on August 24 2013

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    New Zealand!!!

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  1. parking wardens.... fuck off!

    1. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      I was doing a show last night 9my job is a sound engineer) and I drove my car to the show as we needed the big truck and i dont have a high enough class licence. anyway, my car got towed from a spot that didnt have any signes for a good 50m+ but apparently all they need in one sign in every carpark area... so i got towed at 1053pm. i went out to my car at about 1am to find it gone. called the tow company to see if they have it and they do. so i walk an hour to get there (via some food) with m...

    2. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      my 200 cash as i know thats how much it is as its stated on their website, i get there, and he has to charge me 'a days storage' because its the next day now... WHAT THE FUCk, so anyway, i get out another 20... nope.... 120 bucks extra! what the fuck 320 for a parking ticket? they can go suck my balls. i left it there, called my lawyer today, and now i have my car back and didnt pay a cent except (they had to pay my laywer cost) FUCK YOU SYSTEM! I WIN

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