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RCP Audio

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Posts posted by RCP Audio

  1. tores.jpg what about this one? i just made it a little deeper (now at max max dimensions) does it look a little better?

    This one is just right, your volume is within recommendation. Going top to bottom will lead to vent area ratio issues.

    I think i might go with this one then, it also gives me a spot to mount my amp to easily, and its my own design so i can learn from it. thanks for your design cvx, but i think i might have to try it myself hah if i fail then feel free to laugh. pics will be up later today

  2. What 12" subs are you going to use? Your original port can work.

    I beleive they are in my sig.

    and im quickly converting cvx's box to MM so i can start making it hahaha, idk how its possible to get it to work so well so quickly, it took me ages to get to where i was (first box design tho)

  3. that's a sign that your box needs to be bigger ;)

    have you tried aeroports?

    the box is already bigger then recomended, and they do like smaller boxes. heres the tores for it. Also i dont have anywhere to get aero's and last time i tried to flare pvc just to see if it was a option it didnt work to well. so a slot is my only option really tored.jpg

    edit: uploaded the tores screenshot that didnt have displacement

  4. It this design going to cause any troubles? in terms of the subs slightly fireing into the port? the subs are pioneer 12"s

    ill be making this tomorrow morning its 9:13pm now so any fast input is good :)

    the first pic shows the port from the side in relation to the sub holes,


    the second shows the same thing but looking down into the box.


  5. Does anyone have their box that their dd1 came in, and able to measure it for me? I have a mate going up to the states in a few days and really want one but cant afford shipping, but he wont agree to bringing it back unless he knows how big it is. can someone help me out?

    I reallllyyy want one but cant afford the 130usd for shipping :S so this is the best way


  6. I was just in Best Buy and was in the section with the good brands and what is the purpose and benefits of a power managment?

    Is it to filter the power coming in from the wall?

    Im wanting to build my own so im starting to look into it alot

    are you talking about in your house? or in a PA/concert use?

    I use a UPS on all my front of house gear, because i have a digital desk and record everything through protools onto a external HDD so i use it to smooth the power out, aswel as save my ass if some drunk guy manages to trip on the taped down cable wich is known to happen hah.

    I dont know much about what you would use 'power management' for in your house sorry so i thought i would give my input incase its what you meant haha.

    edit: it could be used to keep track of consumption? idk just throwing ideas out there

  7. 12v controllers are easy to find and install, I put one in and installed LEDs in the foot wells, works amazingly, only thing is mine didnt have a wire for acc. so i had to wire it into a toggle switch so i could stop the controller drawing power even when the lights were off, which was a PITA and would if been easier if I got one that had it included the acc wire. just something to look out for

    Well i want to find one that is synchronized with the bass

    there are tons that do that, mine even has rca inputs and outputs so you can put it inline and use the signal as the trigger, but doing that just sounds like there will be some major clipping issues. there are tons of options for tons of prices. just look until you find what you want

  8. 12v controllers are easy to find and install, I put one in and installed LEDs in the foot wells, works amazingly, only thing is mine didnt have a wire for acc. so i had to wire it into a toggle switch so i could stop the controller drawing power even when the lights were off, which was a PITA and would if been easier if I got one that had it included the acc wire. just something to look out for

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