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RCP Audio

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Posts posted by RCP Audio

  1. The RMS of the sub, should be the same as the amp if not higher

    amps are rated by the amount of power that they can put out (500w rms at x ohms)

    subs are rated by the amount of power they can take from the amp, So you have to make sure two things,

    1) that the final ohm load calculates to what you need it to (there are good diagrams online/on here)

    2) that your subs are rated to handle the amount of power that your amp is going to be putting out

    I think I'm catching on here, I really appreciate the help everyone, I literally came onto the site blind, and I feel like I'm now wearing contacts at least lol.

    just keep reading up, there will be other threads simulair to this one so have a look. we all rather you ask questions then you go blowing shit up!

  2. Check every single connection, sounds like something is shorting to me. when i say check the connections i also mean make sure that they are safe the entire way from one end to the other. make sure the rca's havent split and are shorting out on the body for example.

    also videos help us alot determine the problem. but I wouldnt use the amp until you figure out what is going on as you don't want a BBQ in your car!

  3. The RMS of the sub, should be the same as the amp if not higher

    amps are rated by the amount of power that they can put out (500w rms at x ohms)

    subs are rated by the amount of power they can take from the amp, So you have to make sure two things,

    1) that the final ohm load calculates to what you need it to (there are good diagrams online/on here)

    2) that your subs are rated to handle the amount of power that your amp is going to be putting out

  4. this is the band by the way. Ive worked with them since they formed. and have recently received 10grand worth of funding so putting in a lot of work getting them some events.


    (I dont mean for this to be advertising for them, just thought id throw you some links)

    Is 8 to early to start? at the moment, the opening band is playing for 45 mins. then 15min change over, then Five Mile Town are doing an hour 15min set. so 1030 finish time, If i was out for a good night i would want it to go a bit later wouldnt you?

  5. They have started cracking down on it here a lot more which is great. Im young and have friends who text and drive. I will take the phone from them and put it on the back seat. If its important I will ether send it or say they should pull over to send it.

    My job involves a lot of driving, so I never text and drive. I have seen way to many accidents happen right in front of me in traffic because of people texting its crazy and I guess being young and a newish driver (3years) seeing stuf like that sticks with you more. I have Siri and I still find it distracting.

    here they have camera vans set up designed to catch you texting. They have over head cameras on bridges that can see right through your windshield, fines and points on your license are given out, you don't even have the chance to fight it in court

    It's illegal to use your phone here while driving, except with a hands free kit. This law was only passed this year but should of been done a long long time ago

  6. If you turn everything up you will get crazy amounts of clipping, so when you turn it down again the gains are going to be set to low and you will lose output. I recomend setting them how you like, then tune it.

    are you using a dd1 to tune? or the earometer?

    Also I think loudness increases clipping alot and shouldnt be used if helped. thats just what ive read anyway

  7. dont-feed-the-troll.jpg

    i think i agree with you on this one.

    OP if you are genuinely asking then just read then read some more. there are lost of threads that can answer nearly every question. there are also websites that tell you how to wire to certain ohm loads, like the12volt.com.

    edit: ninja'd^^

  8. I see what you mean, there was no reason for the girls to ONLY get those jobs, I dont know what industry your in, but in a lot of cases women arent suited to do what is needed in certain areas, but there is no reason why the guys couldnt also have the 'easier' jobs available to them.

    We do this with my company, they employ both men and women and wont send a girl out do set up a stage or ground stack PA systems (there is actually a couple who can lift more then some of our guys). Just because the girls cant do the lifting jobs, doesnt mean the guys cant do the non lifting jobs. We keep it fair and even, I may not get as many shifts because there are more people who can run the shop as everyone is able to do it, but we all get equal work and its a great place to work coz noone is doing something they arent comfortable doing (or feel like they are doing all the hard yards)

    edit: i realized there was no point to my ramble so i guess what I was saying is that they are in the wrong by doing this to you, time for a pro's and con's chart buddy :)

  9. I think we both agree qsc makes some nice shit! If you were micing the snare from the bottom for the sound of it, try using a PZM. I use the Shure beta 91A, but it on the ground under the snare (on a small towel to get rid of stage vibrations) and it sounds really nice.

    I think it was the ride i could hear quite prominently in the mix. What overheads did you have? I quite like having a single one over the whole kit and a HH one miced from underneath. Im constantly seeing new things that other engineers do that i want to try. Like the 91 on the snare, saw that when I was doing stage for House Of Shem earlier in the year.

    Yeah, I've seen 9 out of 10 reviews saying they are great, especially compared to JBL PRX's gear. I'm thinking the 4 KW153's should be OK, 75* dispersion should help curb the comb filtering, but I've heard they don't throw that far. My family is wanting to help me out, but if I do get the mains, I'd like to get the KW152's for foldback.

    The CAD condensers that come in the Pro-7 drum mic kit. I had them in an XY config, but like I said I brought them out of the mix at times, and it was just general bleed, probably from either the vocal mics or the other drum mics...

    Just go for the KLA's :P they are in the budget right? hahaha

    Also idk about the 153's but i know with the jbl 725's if you push them together so that the two inner sides are flat on each other, they are meant to not have any negative effects on the sound. I use them quite a bit and they sound really nice. Ive never heard the 153's but they look nice

  10. I think we both agree qsc makes some nice shit! If you were micing the snare from the bottom for the sound of it, try using a PZM. I use the Shure beta 91A, but it on the ground under the snare (on a small towel to get rid of stage vibrations) and it sounds really nice.

    I think it was the ride i could hear quite prominently in the mix. What overheads did you have? I quite like having a single one over the whole kit and a HH one miced from underneath. Im constantly seeing new things that other engineers do that i want to try. Like the 91 on the snare, saw that when I was doing stage for House Of Shem earlier in the year.

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