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Posts posted by Jason_D

  1. Got the rear windows blacked out today, vinyl black so that no one can see through them.



    If anyone is good with photoshop can they do a mock up of a dc audio logo on the back windows with the sundown logos underneath, the dc and sundown both the same width.

    May get some DC audio and sundown audio bits made up in white to break up the whole blackness of the car.

  2. hey mate was you at the PB event at Arena Essex on the 1st of Oct? If not, nice build anyhow.

    yeah that was me dude, in the modded escort

    Damn awesome rebuild! You have some skill there looks like! more pics!

    Thanks, its taken me a week from start to finish so far, will be done in the next 3 or 4 days hopefully

    is that ducktape holding the termials on the 0/1?

    where? all my terminals are heat shrunk.

  3. I decided my next build was to be sealed to the b pillar to stop te rear doors flexing too, as they go mad with a bit of bass, so i started work









    I put a nice big 45 degree peice in behind this front pannel to help with the air moving through the port, not a great pic but you get the idea


    Then the baffle on and subs in for a test fit. the cut out on the left is about 3mm too small, so needs adjusting. then i need to glass the inside of the box, and then im done really apart from some foaming - im waiting on 24 cans to arrive.

    also needs painting and finishing.



    the subs get 5.4 cubes each after displacements, and will be on the sundowns at 0.7 ohm.

  4. one way or another your sub will get warm, cause about 30-40% of power going to it transfers into heat.

    At one point it started to stink so I let off but I was really giving it alot. The sub is only a week old so Im still in the break in period.

    I smell clip.......

    and if they stink after 4 mins of playing then you need to find someone with a scope!

    Dustcap warmth is normal, as stated above.

  5. Thanks for the info

    i guess ill be heading down the sundown route then.......

    whats the realistic current draw for one of the sundowns?

    also, how does the DC 5k stand up to the saz3500?

    You would want to compare the DC 5k to the Saz-4500d in that case. Mike singer actually clamped a hair more power out of the DC 5k when he was testing the two. The 5k's a whole other beast.

    it depends on the cost of the amps, as im from the uk it costs a fair bit more for this gear, so its power vs cost tbh. if the dc 5k is close in price to the sundown, ill go for 2 of them, if not, itll be sundowns.

    Say "NO" to spring clips!!!

    Couldnt agree more!!

    Or any amp for that matter using vertical mosfets.

    Never again will I buy something with vertical mosfets, or for that matter any amp that does not use proper pcb bracing FTL!

    ^^^^^^^i dont understand that, can you explain please. like what the parts are, what they do and why the ones you said are not so good.

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